ECSQL Built-In functions

Following is list of built-in scalar functions

ECSQL allows use of these built-in functions:

  1. ec_classname() - Gets the formatted/qualified class name, given ECClassId as input
  2. ec_classid()) - Gets ECClassId, given a formatted/qualified class name as input
  3. regexp() - test if a text matches a regex.
  4. regexp_extract() - extract and rewrite matching regex group from a string value.
  5. strToGuid() - covert string guid to binary guid.
  6. guidToStr() - covert binary guid to string guid.
  7. navigation_value() - Constructs an ECNavigation value, given ECNavigation property, Id and optionaly, RelECClassId.

ec_classname( ecclassId [, format-string | format-id] )

For the specified ecClassId, returns the class name as a string formatted according to the specified format-string


ecclassId: An integer which could be a constant, column or a parameter. format-string | format-id: Optional format specifier and could be one of the following values. NULL is also valid value, if specified the default format will be used

format-id format-string output
0 s:c BisCore:Element (default)
1 a:c bis:Element
2 s BisCore
3 a bis
4 c Element
5 s.c BisCore.Element
6 a.c bis.Element


className as specified by format, or NULL if it was unable to resolve ECClassId, or if the format specifier was not recognized.

Note that this can also cause ECSqlStatement::Step() to return BE_SQLITE_ERROR if the incorrect number of arguments was passed in.


-- returns schema-name:classname
SELECT ec_classname([ECClassId], 's:c') FROM [BisCore].[Element]

-- same as 'sa:cn' - returns schema-alias:classname
SELECT ec_classname([ECClassId], 1) FROM bis:Element

-- returns schema-name, after filtering on it
SELECT * FROM [BisCore].[Element] WHERE ec_classname([ECClassId], 's') = 'BisCore'

-- returns schema-alias after filtering on it
SELECT * FROM [BisCore].[Element] WHERE ec_classname([ECClassId], 3) = 'bis'

-- only get classname and filter on classname
SELECT * FROM [BisCore].[Element] WHERE ec_classname([ECClassId], 'c') = 'PUMP'

ec_classId('schema-name-or-alias : | . classname' )

For the specified (qualified) class name, returns the ECCassId.

Note that this function can also take in two arguments - in the following form where schema-name-or-alias and classname can be specified separately. ec_classid[ '<schema-name-or-alias>', '<classname>')


Can take either one or two parameters: schema-name-or-alias: Schema name or alias e.g. bis (alias) or BisCore (name) class-name: Name of the class e.g. Element


An integer ECClassId or NULL if the name could not be resolved.

Note that this can also cause ECSqlStatement::Step() to return BE_SQLITE_ERROR if the incorrect number of arguments was passed in.


-- alias or schema name both can be specified
SELECT * FROM [BisCore].[Element] WHERE [ECClassId] IN (ec_classid('opm.PUMP'), ec_classid('opm.VALVE'))
SELECT * FROM [BisCore].[Element] WHERE [ECClassId] IN (ec_classid('OpenPlant.PUMP'), ec_classid('OpenPlant.VALVE'))

-- both '.' and ':' delimiter can be used
SELECT * FROM [BisCore].[Element] WHERE [ECClassId] IN (ec_classid('opm:PUMP'), ec_classid('opm:VALVE'))
SELECT * FROM [BisCore].[Element] WHERE [ECClassId] IN (ec_classid('OpenPlant:PUMP'), ec_classid('OpenPlant:VALVE'))

-- schema name or alias and class name can be specified as two arguments
SELECT * FROM [BisCore].[Element] WHERE [ECClassId] IN (ec_classid('opm', 'PUMP'), ec_classid('opm', 'VALVE'))
SELECT * FROM [BisCore].[Element] WHERE [ECClassId] IN (ec_classid('OpenPlant', 'PUMP'), ec_classid('OpenPlant', 'VALVE'))

REGEXP ( regex, value )

Regex uses google/re2 engine.

SELECT DisplayLabel FROM meta.ECClassDef c WHERE REGEXP('Terrain\s\w+', c.DisplayLabel);

Terrain Boundary
Terrain Breakline
Terrain Drape Boundary
Terrain Drape Void
Terrain Hole
Terrain Island
Terrain Reference
Terrain Source Contour
Terrain Spot Elevation
Terrain Void

REGEXP_EXTRACT ( value, regex [, rewrite] )

Regex uses google/re2 engine. This function can be used to extract or rewrite the output. Parameter rewrite is made of group reference where \0 refer to text captured by whole regex specified. \1, \2 ... refer to regex capture group in that order.

-- In follow we rewrite the string by swapping first and second capture group
    REGEXP_EXTRACT(DisplayLabel,'(\w+)\s+(\w+)', '\2,\1')
FROM meta.ECClassDef c
    WHERE REGEXP('Terrain\s\w+', c.DisplayLabel);


StrToGuid( guid-string )

When GUID is stored as a binary, it needs to be converted for comparison purposes.

SELECT * FROM [BisCore].[Element] WHERE FederationGuid = StrToGuid('407bfa18-944d-11ee-b9d1-0242ac120002')

GuidToString( binary-guid )

When GUID is stored as a binary, it needs to be converted for comparison purpose.

SELECT * FROM [BisCore].[Element] WHERE GuidToString(FederationGuid) = '407bfa18-944d-11ee-b9d1-0242ac120002'

NAVIGATION_VALUE( ECNavigationProperty-path, Id [, RelECClassId] )

Constructs an ECNavigation property from the provided values.


Can take either two or three parameters: ECNavigationProperty-path: The path must consist of Schema name or alias, Class name and Property Name. The property should always be an ECNavigation property. Id: The Id that will be applied to the ECNavigation value RelECClassId: The RelECClassId that will be applied to the ECNavigation value

The RelECClassId argument is optional and when it is missing, the RelECClassId will be taken from the ECNavigationProperty ECRelationship class


The function returns an ECNavigation property.


-- returns an ECNavigation value with Id equal to 1 and RelECClassId equal to ClassId of the ECRelationshipClass (in this case, id of the ModelContainsElements)

-- returns an ECNavigation value with Id equal to 1 and RelECClassId equal to 2
SELECT NAVIGATION_VALUE(bis.Element.Model, 1, 2)

-- properties can be passed to the Id and RelECClassId arguments as well, but FROM clause should be specified
SELECT NAVIGATION_VALUE(bis.Element.Model, Model.Id, Model.RelECClassId) [MyNavProp] FROM bis.Model

ECSql Syntax

Last Updated: 15 May, 2024