The core-react package

The @itwin/core-react package contains general purpose React components, such as Button, ContextMenu, Dialog, MessageBox, SearchBox, RadialMenu and SplitButton. It also contains various input components, such as Input, Radio, Checkbox, NumberInput, Select, Slider and Toggle, and components for styled text.


  • AutoSuggest - Component for input with an auto-suggestion dropdown.

  • Base - Low-level classes and components for building a user interface.

  • CheckListBox - Components for working with a Check listbox.

  • Common - Common classes used across various UI components.

  • ContextMenu - Components and classes for working with a Context Menu.

  • Dialog - Components for working with a Dialog or MessageBox.

  • Icon - Components that render icons when given an icon name or SVG source or path.

  • Loading - Components for working with Loading spinners and progress bars.

  • Notification - Components for working with with messages and tooltips.

  • Popup - Components for working with a Popup.

  • RadialMenu - Components for working with a RadialMenu.

  • SearchBox - Components for working with a SearchBox.

  • Settings - Manager and UI Components that allow users to modify preferences for registered settings providers.

  • Style - Sass variables and mixins for breakpoints, colors, color themes, opacity, sizing, spacing and typography.

  • Text - Components for working with styled text and different text sizes.

  • Tree - Presentation React components for working with a Tree.

  • UiStateStorage - Interfaces and classes for working with persistent UI settings.

  • Utilities - Various utility classes, functions and React hooks for working with a UI.

Last Updated: 08 March, 2023