
Classes for working with a Frontstage


Name Description  
FrontstageActivatedEvent Frontstage Activated Event class. Deprecated
FrontstageDeactivatedEvent Frontstage Deactivated Event class. Deprecated
FrontstageDef FrontstageDef class provides an API for a Frontstage.  
FrontstageProvider Provides a definition required to create a Frontstage. Deprecated
FrontstageReadyEvent Frontstage Ready Event class. Deprecated
ModalFrontstage ModalFrontstage React component  
ModalFrontstageChangedEvent Modal Frontstage Stack Changed Event class. Deprecated
ModalFrontstageClosedEvent Modal Frontstage Closed Event class. Deprecated
NestedFrontstage Nested Frontstage related classes and commands Deprecated
PanelStateChangedEvent Panel state changed event class. Deprecated
SettingsModalFrontstage Modal frontstage displaying and editing settings from registered settings providers.  
StagePanelDef A StagePanelDef represents each Stage Panel within a Frontstage.  
StandardFrontstageProvider FrontstageProvider that provides an "empty" stage. Deprecated
ToolActivatedEvent Tool Activated Event class. Deprecated
ToolIconChangedEvent Tool Icon Changed Event class. Deprecated


Name Description  
SelectionScope Selection Scope enum.  
StagePanelLocation Available Stage Panel locations.  
StagePanelSection Enum for Stage Panel Sections  
StagePanelState Enum for StagePanel state.  

Global Functions

Name Description  
NestedFrontstageAppButton App button used in a nested frontstage.  
useActiveFrontstageDef Hook to return the active Frontstage def.  
useActiveFrontstageId Hook that returns active frontstage id.  
useSpecificWidgetDef Hook that returns the widgetDef for a specific widgetId within the active frontstage.  


Name Description  
FrameworkFrontstages frontstages interface  
FrontstageActivatedEventArgs Frontstage Activated Event Args interface. Deprecated
FrontstageConfig Configuration from which a frontstage is created. Deprecated
FrontstageDeactivatedEventArgs Frontstage Deactivated Event Args interface. Deprecated
FrontstageReadyEventArgs Frontstage Ready Event Args interface. Deprecated
ModalFrontstageChangedEventArgs Modal Frontstage Changed Event Args interface. Deprecated
ModalFrontstageClosedEventArgs Modal Frontstage Closed Event Args interface. Deprecated
ModalFrontstageInfo Modal Frontstage information interface.  
ModalFrontstageProps Properties for the ModalFrontstage React component  
PanelPinnedChangedEventArgs Panel pinned changed event args interface. Deprecated
PanelStateChangedEventArgs Panel state changed event args interface. Deprecated
StagePanelConfig Configuration from which a stage panel is created.  
StagePanelSectionsConfig Configuration from which stage panel sections are created.  
StandardFrontstageProps Props of a StandardFrontstageProvider.  
ToolActivatedEventArgs Tool Activated Event Args interface. Deprecated
ToolIconChangedEventArgs Tool Icon Changed Event Args interface. Deprecated


Name Description  
FrontstageUtilities Helper namespace to create frontstages.  

Type Aliases

Name Description  
Frontstage Configuration from which a frontstage is created.  
StagePanelMaxSizeSpec Available units of panel max size. Deprecated
StagePanelSectionConfig Configuration from which a stage panel section is created.  
StagePanelSizeSpec Available units of panel size - pixels or percentage of app size.  
WidgetPanelProps Widget panel properties used in a StandardFrontstageProps.  

Last Updated: 17 June, 2024