
Classes for working with an Item in a Tool Widget, Navigation Widget or Backstage


Name Description  
ActionButtonItemDef Abstract base class that is used by classes to execute an action when pressed. Deprecated
CommandItemDef An Item that executes a Command. Deprecated
CustomItemDef An Item that renders a React component. Deprecated
GroupItemDef An Item that opens a group of items. Deprecated
ItemDefBase The base class for Items. Deprecated
ItemList Contains a list of Items. Deprecated
ItemMap Contains a map of Items. Deprecated
ToolInformation Provides information about a tool with a given id, including the ToolUiProvider.  
ToolItemDef An Item that starts the execution of a Tool. Deprecated


Name Description  
ToolbarDragInteractionContext Context used to enable toolbar drag interaction.  


Name Description  
StageUsage Standard stage uses.  


Name Description  
BaseItemState Base state for any 'stateful' React component. Deprecated
CommandHandler Definition for a command handler. Deprecated
CommandItemProps Properties for a Command item. Deprecated
CursorMenuItemProps Properties for context menu items.  
CustomItemProps Definition for a Custom item that renders a React component. Deprecated
GroupItemProps Definition for a Group item that opens a group of items. Deprecated
ItemProps Definition that specifies properties shared between many ConfigurableUi components. Deprecated
ToolItemProps Properties for a Tool item with a tool id. Deprecated

Type Aliases

Name Description  
AnyItemDef Union of all Item definitions that can be specified in a GroupItem Deprecated
AnyToolbarItemDef Union of all Item definitions that can be specified in a Toolbar  
ConditionalBooleanValue Class used to return a boolean value.  
ConditionalStringValue Class used to return a string value.  
MenuItemProps Menu Item Properties Deprecated

Last Updated: 17 June, 2024