ThemeManager Function

ThemeManager handles setting color themes and element opacity management. Note that this component will affect the entire application by setting the data-theme attribute to the html element. It also sets an iTwinUI ThemeProvider element locally, so all elements within the AppUI tree will have the same theme, and should be using iTwinUI 2.x or later. A ColorTheme enum values will configure iTwinUI ThemeProvider accordingly. Any other string will only apply the data-theme attribute to the html element and ThemeProvider theme will be set to inherit, in this case the application is responsible for setting the theme by overriding iTwinUI css variables.

This React component is Redux connected and should wrap ConfigurableUiContent.

<Provider store={}>
    <ConfigurableUiContent />

ThemeManager(props: Omit<ClassAttributes<ThemeManagerComponent> & ThemeManagerProps, "theme" | "widgetOpacity" | "toolbarOpacity">): | ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>>

Parameter Type Description
props Omit<ClassAttributes<ThemeManagerComponent> & ThemeManagerProps, "theme" | "widgetOpacity" | "toolbarOpacity">  

Returns - | ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>>

Defined in

Last Updated: 05 April, 2024