
Classes and components for working with a Tree.


Name Description  
AbstractTreeNodeLoader Abstract node loader implementation which loads nodes into provided model source.  
AbstractTreeNodeLoaderWithProvider Abstract node loader with tree data provider which loads nodes into provided model source.  
HighlightingEngine Tree highlighting engine  
MutableTreeModel Mutable tree model which holds nodes and allows adding or removing them.  
PagedTreeNodeLoader Default paged tree node loader with TreeDataProvider implementation.  
SimpleTreeDataProvider A tree data provider using SimpleTreeDataProviderHierarchy.  
SparseArray Structure for sparse array value storage.  
TreeEventHandler Default tree event handler.  
TreeImageLoader Default image loader for the tree  
TreeModelSource Controls tree model.  
TreeNodeLoader Default tree node loader with TreeDataProvider implementation.  
TreeRenderer Default tree rendering component.  

Global Functions

Name Description  
computeVisibleNodes Generates flat list of visible nodes in the tree model.  
ControlledTree React tree component which rendering is fully controlled from outside.  
from Helper method that creates an Observable from Iterable or Promise.  
getVisibleDescendants Traverses the tree and collects visible descendants.  
hasChildren Determines whether node has children  
isTreeDataProviderInterface Checks if TreeDataProvider is an ITreeDataProvider  
isTreeDataProviderMethod Checks if TreeDataProvider is a TreeDataProviderMethod  
isTreeDataProviderPromise Checks if TreeDataProvider is a TreeDataProviderPromise  
isTreeDataProviderRaw Checks if TreeDataProvider is a TreeDataProviderRaw  
isTreeModelNode Checks if object is TreeModelNode  
isTreeModelNodePlaceholder Checks if object is TreeModelNodePlaceholder  
isTreeModelRootNode Checks if object is TreeModelRootNode  
TreeNodeContent React component for displaying TreeNode label  
TreeNodeEditor React component for displaying tree node editor.  
TreeNodeIcon React component that renders icon for TreeNode.  
TreeNodeRenderer Default component for rendering tree node.  
useControlledTreeEventsHandler Custom hook which creates and takes care of disposing a TreeEventHandler.  
useControlledTreeLayoutStorage Returns callbacks for persisting and restoring ControlledTree layout state.  
usePagedTreeNodeLoader Custom hook which creates a paging nodes' loader using the supplied data provider and model source.  
useTreeEventsHandler Custom hook which creates and takes care of disposing a TreeEventsHandler. Deprecated
useTreeModel React hook that returns an immutable TreeModel whenever it changes in the given  
useTreeModelSource Custom hook which creates a TreeModelSource.  
useTreeNodeLoader Custom hook which creates a nodes' loader using the supplied data provider and model source.  


Name Description  
ActiveMatchInfo Properties for identifying an active highlight on a node in a tree.  
CheckBoxInfo Immutable data structure that describes checkbox info.  
CheckboxStateChange Data structure that describes checkbox state change.  
CompletionObserver CompletionObserver interface compatible with rxjs  
ControlledTreeProps Properties for ControlledTree  
DelayLoadedTreeNodeItem A TreeNodeItem for delay-loaded trees  
EditableTreeDataProvider EditableTreeDataProvider provides cell editing processing for the Tree.  
ErrorObserver ErrorObserver interface compatible with rxjs  
HighlightableTreeNodeProps Properties for a highlightable TreeNode  
HighlightableTreeProps Properties for highlighting nodes in a tree.  
ImmediatelyLoadedTreeNodeItem A TreeNodeItem for immediately loaded trees  
ITreeDataProvider Interface for a tree data provider class  
ITreeImageLoader Interface for a tree image loader  
ITreeNodeLoader Tree node loader which is used to load tree nodes.  
ITreeNodeLoaderWithProvider Tree node loader which uses TreeDataProvider to load nodes.  
LoadedNodeHierarchy Data structure that describes hierarchy loaded for parent node.  
LoadedNodeHierarchyItem Data structure that describes one loaded hierarchy item.  
MutableCheckBoxInfo Mutable data structure that describes checkbox info.  
MutableTreeModelNode Mutable data structure that describes tree node.  
NextObserver NextObserver interface compatible with rxjs  
Observable Observable interface compatible with rxjs  
RenderedItemsRange Data structure that describes range of rendered items in the tree.  
Subscribable Subscribable interface compatible with rxjs  
Subscription Subscription interface compatible with rxjs  
TreeActions Tree actions that can be performed on tree.  
TreeCheckboxStateChangeEventArgs Data structure that describes tree checkbox state change event payload.  
TreeEditingParams Params used for tree node editing.  
TreeEventHandlerParams Data structure that describes tree event handler params.  
TreeEvents Tree events that can occur while interacting with tree.  
TreeModel Data structure that describes tree model.  
TreeModelChanges Data structure that describes changes which happened to the tree model  
TreeModelNode Immutable data structure that describes tree node.  
TreeModelNodeEditingInfo Data structure that holds callbacks used for tree node editing.  
TreeModelNodeInput Data structure that describes input used to create tree node.  
TreeModelNodePlaceholder Data structure that describes tree node placeholder.  
TreeModelRootNode Data structure that describes tree root node.  
TreeNodeContentProps Properties for TreeNodeContent component  
TreeNodeEditorProps Properties for TreeNodeEditor component.  
TreeNodeEventArgs Data structure that describes tree node event payload.  
TreeNodeIconProps Props for TreeNodeIcon component.  
TreeNodeItem A node item which can be displayed in a tree.  
TreeNodeLoadResult Data structure that describes node load result  
TreeNodeRendererProps Properties for TreeNodeRenderer.  
TreeRendererAttributes Attributes found on TreeRenderer component  
TreeRendererProps Properties for TreeRenderer component.  
TreeSelectionChange Data structure that describes tree selection change.  
TreeSelectionModificationEventArgs Data structure that describes tree selection modification event payload.  
TreeSelectionReplacementEventArgs Data structure that describes tree selection replacement event payload.  
Unsubscribable Unsubscribable interface compatible with rxjs  
VisibleTreeNodes Data structure that describes set of visible tree nodes as a flat list.  

Type Aliases

Name Description  
Observer Observer interface compatible with rxjs  
SimpleTreeDataProviderHierarchy Used by SimpleTreeDataProvider.  
TreeDataProvider Type definition for all Tree data providers  
TreeDataProviderMethod Signature for a method that returns TreeDataProviderPromise for supplied parent node  
TreeDataProviderPromise A Promise for TreeDataProviderRaw  
TreeDataProviderRaw Array of tree node data elements  
TreeModelNodeType Type definition of all tree model nodes.  
TreeNodeEditorRenderer Type for tree node editor renderer.  
TreeNodeItemData Type definition of tree node item data.  

Last Updated: 17 June, 2024