
Types for working with geometry.


Name Description  
AdditionalTransform Additional Transform implementation.  
AffineTransform The equations are:  
BoundingSphere Describes a spherical volume of space as an approximation of the shape of some more complex geometric entity fully contained within that volume.  
Carto2DDegrees A 2D cartographic point in degrees  
Cartographic A position on the earth defined by longitude, latitude, and height above the WGS84 ellipsoid.  
CartographicRange A cartographic range representing a rectangular region if low longitude/latitude > high then area crossing seam is indicated.  
FrustumPlanes Represents a the planes of a Frustum for testing containment and intersection.  
GeocentricTransform This class represents a geocentric (three parameters) geodetic transformation.  
GeodeticDatum This class represents a geodetic datum.  
GeodeticEllipsoid This class defines the mathematical model of the Earth shape in the form of an ellipsoid.  
GeodeticTransform This class represents a geodetic transformation that enables transforming longitude/latitude coordinates  
GeodeticTransformPath This class represents a geodetic datum transform path.  
GeographicCRS Geographic Coordinate Reference System implementation.  
GeometryStreamBuilder GeometryStreamBuilder is a helper class for populating the GeometryStreamProps array needed to create a GeometricElement or GeometryPart.  
GeometryStreamIterator GeometryStreamIterator is a helper class for iterating a GeometryStreamProps.  
GridFileDefinition Grid file definition containing name of the file, the format and the direction it should be applied  
GridFileTransform This class represents a grid files based geodetic transformation.  
Helmert2DWithZOffset An affine transformation with an additional Z Offset.  
HorizontalCRS Horizontal Geographic Coordinate reference System implementation.  
HorizontalCRSExtent The extent in latitude, longitude bounds where a horizontal CRS is applicable  
ImageGraphic A geometric primitive that displays an image mapped to the corners of a quadrilateral, with an optional border.  
ImageGraphicCorners Defines the 4 corners of an ImageGraphic.  
Placement2d The placement of a GeometricElement2d.  
Placement3d The placement of a GeometricElement3d.  
PositionalVectorTransform This class represents a positional vector (seven parameters) geodetic transformation corresponding to  
Projection This class encapsulates the projection of the CRS.  
QParams2d Parameters used for Quantization of 2d points such that the x and y components are each quantized to 16-bit unsigned integers.  
QParams3d Parameters used for Quantization of 3d points such that the x, y, and z components are each quantized to 16-bit unsigned integers.  
QPoint2d Represents a Point2d compressed such that each component x and y is quantized to the 16-bit integer range [0, 0xffff].  
QPoint2dBufferBuilder Constructs a QPoint2dBuffer using a Uint16ArrayBuilder.  
QPoint2dList A list of QPoint2ds all quantized to the same range.  
QPoint3d Represents a Point3d compressed such that each component x, y, and z is quantized to the 16-bit integer range [0, 0xffff].  
QPoint3dBufferBuilder Constructs a QPoint3dBuffer using a Uint16ArrayBuilder.  
QPoint3dList A list of QPoint3ds all quantized to the same range.  
TextString A single line of text, all with the same font, styles (underline, bold, italic), and size.  
VerticalCRS Vertical Coordinate reference System implementation.  
XyzRotation Hold 3 components data of a Positional Vector rotation definition in arc seconds  


Name Description  
ElementGeometryOpcode Specifies the type of an entry in a geometry stream.  
GeometryStreamFlags Flags applied to the entire contents of a GeometryStreamProps.  
GeometrySummaryVerbosity Describes the level of detail with which to report each geometric primitive in a GeometrySummaryRequestProps.  
MassPropertiesOperation Specify whether to accumulate volumes, areas, or lengths for the supplied elements.  

Global Functions

Name Description  
readElementMeshes Convert the output of IModelConnection.generateElementMeshes into an array of Polyfaces.  


Name Description  
AdditionalTransformProps Additional Transform definition  
AffineTransformProps The equations are:  
AreaFillProps Add a gradient, backgroundFill, or solid color fill to subsequent planar regions (or meshes).  
BRepPrimitive Represents a BRep within a GeometryStream.  
Carto2DDegreesProps A 2D cartographic point in degrees  
CartographicProps The JSON representation of a Cartographic object.  
DeletedElementGeometryChange Represents the deletion of a GeometricElement.  
ElementGeometryBuilderParams Parameters for building the geometry stream of a GeometricElement using Builder.  
ElementGeometryBuilderParamsForPart Parameters for building the geometry stream of a GeometryPart using Builder.  
ElementGeometryDataEntry Describes an entry in a geometry stream as an op-code plus the binary flatbuffer representation of the associated data.  
ElementGeometryInfo Information provided to ElementGeometryFunction.  
ElementGeometryRequest Parameters for IModelDb.elementGeometryRequest  
ElementIdsAndRangesProps Compact wire format representing geometric changes to a set of elements as part of a ModelGeometryChangesProps.  
ElementMeshOptions Options used to control how Polyfaces are produced from elements by IModelConnection.generateElementMeshes.  
ElementMeshRequestProps Describes a request to generate Polyfaces from an element.  
ExtantElementGeometryChange Represents the insertion of a new GeometricElement, or a change to the geometric properties of an existing GeometricElement.  
GeocentricTransformProps This interface represents a geocentric (three parameters) geodetic transformation.  
GeodeticDatumProps This interface represents a geodetic datum.  
GeodeticEllipsoidProps This interface defines the mathematical model of the Earth shape in the form of an ellipsoid.  
GeodeticTransformPathProps This interface represents a geodetic datum transform path.  
GeodeticTransformProps This interface represents a geodetic transformation that enables transforming longitude/latitude coordinates  
GeographicCRSProps Geographic Coordinate Reference System definition that includes the horizontal and vertical definitions as well as an optional  
GeometryAppearanceProps Establish a non-default SubCategory or to override SubCategoryAppearance for the geometry that follows.  
GeometryContainmentRequestProps Information required to request clip containment status for elements from the front end to the back end.  
GeometryContainmentResponseProps Information returned from the back end to the front end holding the result of the geometry containment query.  
GeometryPartInstanceProps Add a reference to a GeometryPart from the GeometryStream of a GeometricElement.  
GeometryPrimitive Represents one of a variety of GeometryQuery objects within a GeometryStream.  
GeometryStreamEntryProps Allowed GeometryStream entries - should only set one value.  
GeometryStreamHeaderProps An entry in a GeometryStreamProps containing GeometryStreamFlags that apply to the geometry stream as a whole.  
GeometryStreamIteratorEntry Holds current state information for GeometryStreamIterator.  
GeometrySummaryOptions Describes what information to include in a GeometrySummaryRequestProps.  
GeometrySummaryRequestProps Describes the elements for which to generate an array of geometry summaries and the options controlling the contents of each summary.  
GridFileDefinitionProps Grid file definition containing name of the file, the format and the direction it should be applied  
GridFileTransformProps This interface represents a grid files based geodetic transformation.  
Helmert2DWithZOffsetProps An affine transformation with an additional Z Offset.  
HorizontalCRSExtentProps The extent in latitude, longitude bounds where a horizontal CRS is applicable  
HorizontalCRSProps Horizontal Geographic Coordinate Reference System definition  
ImageGraphicProps JSON representation of an ImageGraphic.  
ImagePrimitive Represents an image within a GeometryStream.  
MassPropertiesPerCandidateRequestProps Information required to request mass properties for each element separately from the front end to the back end.  
MassPropertiesPerCandidateResponseProps Information returned from the back end to the front end holding the result of the mass properties calculation for a single candidate.  
MassPropertiesRequestProps Information required to request mass properties for elements from the front end to the back end.  
MassPropertiesResponseProps Information returned from the back end to the front end holding the result of the mass properties calculation.  
MaterialProps Override materialId for subsequent surface and solid geometry.  
ModelGeometryChanges Represents geometric changes to a set of GeometricElements belonging to a single GeometricModel.  
ModelGeometryChangesProps Compact wire format representing geometric changes to GeometricElements within a GeometricModel.  
PartReference Represents a reference to a GeometryPart within a GeometryStream.  
PositionalVectorTransformProps This interface represents a positional vector (seven parameters) geodetic transformation corresponding to  
ProjectionProps This class encapsulates the projection of the CRS.  
QPoint2dBuffer A compact representation of a list of QPoint2ds stored in a Uint16Array  
QPoint3dBuffer A compact representation of a list of QPoint3ds stored in a Uint16Array.  
TextStringGlyphData Optional cached text layout information used to support legacy proxy graphics.  
TextStringPrimitive Represents a text string within a GeometryStream.  
TextStringProps Properties for a TextString class.  
VerticalCRSProps Vertical Geographic Coordinate reference System definition  
XyzRotationProps Holds 3 components of a Positional Vector rotation definition in arc seconds  


Name Description  
BRepEntity JSON representation of a brep GeometryStream entry.  
ElementGeometry Provides utility functions for working with ElementGeometryDataEntry.  
ElementGeometryChange Represents a change to the geometry of a GeometricElement, as exposed by elements.  
ModelGeometryChanges Represents geometric changes to a set of GeometricElements belonging to a single GeometricModel.  
Quantization Provides facilities for quantizing floating point values within a specified range into 16-bit unsigned integers.  

Type Aliases

Name Description  
AxisAlignedBox3d A Range3d that is aligned with the axes of spatial coordinates.  
AxisAlignedBox3dProps The properties of a Range3d.  
DanishSystem34Region The type to define the three zones of the Danish System 34 projections.  
ElementAlignedBox2d A bounding box aligned to the orientation of a 2d Element  
ElementAlignedBox3d A bounding box aligned to the orientation of a 3d Element  
ElementGeometryFunction A callback function that receives geometry stream data.  
GeodeticTransformMethod Type indicating the geodetic transformation method  
GeometryStreamPrimitive Union of all possible geometric primitive types that may appear within a GeometryStream.  
GeometryStreamProps A GeometricElement's GeometryStream is represented by an array of GeometryStreamEntryProps.  
GridFileDirection type to indicate the grid file application direction.  
GridFileFormat Type indicating the file format of the grid files.  
HemisphereEnum Type used in the definition of UTM Zoning projection.  
ImageGraphicCornersProps JSON representation of the 4 corners of an ImageGraphicProps.  
LocalAlignedBox3d A bounding box aligned to a local coordinate system  
Placement Either a Placement2d or Placement3d  
ProjectionMethod This enum contains the list of all projection methods that can be represented as part of the HorizontalCRS  
UnitType This type indicates possible linear and angular units supported.  

Last Updated: 03 July, 2024