
Types describing geometry, views, and symbology for consumption by a display system.


Name Description  
ColorIndex Describes the color(s) of the vertices of a MeshArgs or PolylineArgs.  
Feature Describes a discrete entity within a batched RenderGraphic that can be  
FeatureAppearance Defines overrides for selected aspects of a Feature's symbology.  
FeatureIndex Describes the set of Features associated with a MeshArgs or PolylineArgs.  
FeatureOverrides Specifies how to customize the appearance of individual Features, typically within the context of a Viewport.  
FeatureTable Defines a look-up table for Features within a batched RenderGraphic.  
ImageBuffer Uncompressed rectangular bitmap image data.  
ImageSource Image data encoded and compressed in either Jpeg or Png format.  
NonUniformColor As part of a ColorIndex, describes per-vertex colors for a MeshArgs or PolylineArgs.  
OctEncodedNormal Represents a 3d normal vector compressed into a single 16-bit integer using oct-encoding.  
RenderMaterial Represents a material which can be applied to a surface to control aspects of its appearance such as color, reflectivity, texture, and so on.  
RenderTexture Represents a texture image applied to a surface during rendering.  
TextureMapping Describes how to map a RenderTexture's image onto a surface as part of a RenderMaterial.  


Name Description  
BatchType Describes the type of a 'batch' of graphics representing multiple Features.  
FeatureIndexType Describes the type of a FeatureIndex.  
FeatureOverrideType Options for overriding element appearance.  
ImageBufferFormat Format of an ImageBuffer.  
ImageSourceFormat The format of an ImageSource.  
NormalMapFlags Flags applied to a NormalMapProps.  
PolylineTypeFlags Describes the semantics of a PolylineArgs.  
TextureMapUnits Describes the units in which a TextureMapProps' scale is expressed.  

Global Functions

Name Description  
isPowerOfTwo Returns whether the input is a power of two.  
nextHighestPowerOfTwo Returns the first power-of-two value greater than or equal to the input.  


Name Description  
AppearanceOverrideProps JSON representation of an appearance override in an EmphasizeElementsProps.  
EmphasizeElementsProps JSON representation of an EmphasizeElements.  
FeatureAppearanceProps JSON representation of a FeatureAppearance.  
FeatureAppearanceProvider Interface adopted by an object that can supply the FeatureAppearance supplied by a FeatureAppearanceSource.  
FeatureAppearanceSource Interface adopted by an object that can supply a FeatureAppearance given a low-level description of a Feature.  
IgnoreAnimationOverridesArgs Arguments provided to a function of type IgnoreAnimationOverrides.  
ModelFeature A Feature with a modelId identifying the model containing the feature, obtained from a RenderFeatureTable.  
NormalMapParams Defines normal map parameters.  
NormalMapProps Describes how to apply normal mapping to a surface material.  
OverrideElementAppearanceOptions Options for using override to override the appearance of a GeometricElement.  
OverrideFeatureAppearanceOptions Common options for override.  
OverrideModelAppearanceOptions Options for using override to override the appearance of a GeometricModel.  
OverrideSubCategoryAppearanceOptions Options for using override to override the appearance of a SubCategory.  
PackedFeature Represents a Feature within a RenderFeatureTable.  
PackedFeatureWithIndex Represents a PackedFeature obtained from a RenderFeatureTable, including the index of that feature within the table.  
PolylineFlags Flags describing a PolylineArgs.  
RenderFeatureTable Representation of a FeatureTable suitable for use with RenderSystem.createBatch.  
RenderMaterialAssetMapsProps Describes different types of textures to be applied to a surface material to alter its appearance.  
RenderMaterialAssetProps Describes the graphical properties of a RenderMaterialElement as part of a RenderMaterialProps.  
RenderMaterialProps Properties that define a RenderMaterialElement.  
TextureMapProps As part of a RenderMaterialAssetProps, describes how to map a RenderTexture's image to the triangles of a mesh to which the material is applied.  
ThumbnailFormatProps Metadata about a thumbnail image.  
ThumbnailProps Describes a thumbnail image for an IModel or ViewDefinition.  


Name Description  
Hilite Contains types related to display of hilited elements within a Viewport.  

Type Aliases

Name Description  
IgnoreAnimationOverrides A function that can be supplied to ignoreAnimationOverrides to indicate whether the color or transparency overrides defined  
OverrideFeatureAppearanceArgs Arguments supplied to override.  
Point2dProps A 2d point specified as an array of 2 numbers [x, y].  
PolylineIndices Describes the vertex indices of a single line within a PolylineArgs.  
RgbFactorProps Describes a color as an array of three numbers ranging from 0 to 1 where the first entry corresponds to the color's red component,  
TextureImageSpec Identifies an image to be used to produce a RenderTexture for a given purpose - for example,  

Last Updated: 03 July, 2024