overrideElements Method

Set the element IDs to display with a color/transparency override.

overrideElements(ids: Id64Arg, vp: Viewport, color: ColorDef, override: FeatureOverrideType = FeatureOverrideType.ColorOnly, replace: boolean = false): boolean

@returns true if overrides were changed.

@see Viewport.addFeatureOverrideProvider

Parameter Type Description
ids Id64Arg The IDs of the elements.
vp Viewport The viewport.
color ColorDef ColorDef to specify override rgb and alpha.
override FeatureOverrideType Whether to use color and alpha, only color, or only alpha from the supplied ColorDef.
replace boolean true to replace currently overridden elements (if any) or false to add to the existing set.

Returns - boolean

true if overrides were changed.

Defined in

Last Updated: 18 April, 2024