
Classes for working with Tools


Name Description  
BeButtonEvent Object sent to Tools that holds information about button/touch/wheel events.  
BeTouchEvent A ButtonEvent generated by touch input.  
BeWheelEvent A BeButtonEvent generated by movement of a mouse wheel.  
ElementAgenda The ElementAgenda class is used by ElementSetTool to hold the collection of elements it will operate on  
ElementSetTool The ElementSetTool class is a specialization of PrimitiveTool designed to unify operations on sets of elements.  
EventController An EventController maps user input events from a Viewport to the ToolAdmin so that tools can process them.  
FitViewTool A tool that performs a fit view  
FlyViewTool A tool that performs the fly operation  
FuzzySearchResults This class is used to return the results of  
IdleTool The default "idle" tool.  
InputCollector The InputCollector class can be used to implement a command for gathering input  
InteractiveTool A Tool that may be installed, via ToolAdmin, to handle user input.  
LookAndMoveTool A tool that performs the walk operation using mouse+keyboard or touch controls.  
LookViewTool A tool that performs the look operation  
PanViewTool The tool that performs a Pan view operation  
PrimitiveTool The PrimitiveTool class can be used to implement tools to create or modify geometric elements.  
RotateViewTool A tool that performs a Rotate view operation  
ScrollViewTool A tool that performs the scroll operation  
SetupCameraTool A tool that sets the view camera by two points.  
SetupWalkCameraTool A tool that sets a walk tool starting position by a floor point and look direction.  
StandardViewTool A tool that rotates the view to one of the standard views.  
Tool A Tool that performs an action.  
ToolAdmin Controls the operation of Tools, administering the current ViewTool, PrimitiveTool, and IdleTool and forwarding events to the appropriate tool.  
ToolAssistance Tool Assistance helper methods.  
ToolRegistry The ToolRegistry holds a mapping between toolIds and their corresponding Tool class.  
ToolSettings Settings that control the behavior of built-in tools.  
ToolSettingsState Maintains the state of tool settings properties for the current session.  
ViewClipByElementTool A tool to define a clip volume for a view using the element aligned box or axis aligned box.  
ViewClipByPlaneTool A tool to define a clip volume for a view by specifying a plane  
ViewClipByRangeTool A tool to define a clip volume for a view by specifying range corners  
ViewClipByShapeTool A tool to define a clip volume for a view by specifying a shape  
ViewClipClearTool A tool to remove a clip volume for a view  
ViewClipDecoration A pickable decoration managed by ViewClipDecorationProvider used to visualize a view's clip and present modification handles.  
ViewClipDecorationProvider An implementation of ViewClipEventHandler that responds to new clips by presenting clip modification handles  
ViewClipTool A tool to define a clip volume for a view  
ViewGlobeBirdTool A tool that views a location on the background map from a bird's eye perspective; the viewed location is derived from the position of the current camera's eye above the background map.  
ViewGlobeIModelTool A tool that views the current iModel on the background map so that the extent of the project is visible.  
ViewGlobeLocationTool A tool that views a location on the background map corresponding to a specified string.  
ViewGlobeSatelliteTool A tool that views a location on the background map from a satellite's perspective; the viewed location is derived from the position of the current camera's eye above the background map.  
ViewManip Base class for tools that manipulate the frustum of a Viewport.  
ViewRedoTool A tool that performs view redo operation.  
ViewToggleCameraTool A tool that toggles the camera on/off in a spatial view  
ViewTool An InteractiveTool that manipulates a view.  
ViewUndoTool A tool that performs view undo operation.  
WalkViewTool A tool that performs the walk operation  
WindowAreaTool A tool that performs a Window-area view operation  
ZoomViewTool A tool that performs the zoom operation  


Name Description  
BeModifierKeys Numeric mask for a set of modifier keys (control, shift, and alt).  
ClipEventType Event types for ViewClipDecorationProvider.onActiveClipChanged \  
CoordSource The source that generated a coordinate.  
InputSource The source that generated an event.  
KeyinParseError Possible errors resulting from parseKeyin.  
ModifyElementSource Identifies the source of the elements in the agenda.  
ParseAndRunResult The result type of parseAndRun.  
ToolAssistanceImage Tool Assistance known images  
ToolAssistanceInputMethod Input Method for Tool Assistance instruction  


Name Description  
BeButtonEventProps Properties for constructing a BeButtonEvent  
BeTouchEventProps Properties for initializing a BeTouchEvent  
BeWheelEventProps Properties for constructing a BeWheelEvent  
FuzzySearchResult Interface implemented by objects returned while iterating through FuzzySearchResults  
GroupMark Identifies groups of elements added to agenda along with the source.  
ParsedKeyin Successful result from parseKeyin.  
ParseKeyinError Possible errors form parseKeyin.  
ToolAssistanceInstruction Interface used to describe a Tool Assistance instruction.  
ToolAssistanceInstructions Interface used to describe Tool Assistance for a tool's state.  
ToolAssistanceKeyboardInfo Tool Assistance image keyboard keys  
ToolAssistanceSection Interface used to describe a Tool Assistance section with a label and a set of instructions.  
ViewClipEventHandler An object that can react to a view's clip being changed by tools or modify handles.  


Name Description  
EditManipulator Classes and methods to create on screen control handles for interactive modification of element(s) and pickable decorations.  

Type Aliases

Name Description  
ParseKeyinResult The result type of parseKeyin.  
ToolAssistanceInputKey Identifies one of a set of commonly-used ToolAssistance messages notifying the user of the result of  
ToolAssistancePromptKey Identifies one of a set of commonly-used ToolAssistance messages prompting the user to specify  

Last Updated: 26 July, 2024