intersectionProjectedXYPairs MethodStatic

Return xy intersections of 2 projected curves.

intersectionProjectedXYPairs(worldToLocal: undefined | Matrix4d, curveA: AnyCurve, extendA: boolean, curveB: AnyCurve, extendB: boolean, tolerance: number = Geometry.smallMetricDistance): CurveLocationDetailPair[]

Parameter Type Description
worldToLocal undefined | Matrix4d transform (possibly perspective) defining the local coordinates in which to compute xy intersections
curveA AnyCurve first curve
extendA boolean true to allow curveA to extend
curveB AnyCurve second curve
extendB boolean true to allow curveB to extend
tolerance number optional distance tolerance for coincidence

Returns - CurveLocationDetailPair[]

Defined in

Last Updated: 25 April, 2024