IModelExportHandler Class

Handles the events generated by IModelExporter.

@note Change information is available when IModelExportHandler methods are invoked via IModelExporter.exportChanges, but not available when invoked via IModelExporter.exportAll.

@note The handler is intended to be owned by (registered with) and called from the IModelExporter exclusively

@see iModel Transformation and Data Exchange, IModelExporter

Extended by


Name Description
constructor(): IModelExportHandler    
onDeleteElement(_elementId: string): void Called when an element should be deleted.  
onDeleteModel(_modelId: string): void Called when a model should be deleted.  
onDeleteRelationship(_relInstanceId: string): void Called when a relationship should be deleted.  
onExportCodeSpec(_codeSpec: CodeSpec, _isUpdate: boolean): void Called when a CodeSpec should be exported.  
onExportElement(_element: Element, _isUpdate: boolean): void Called when an element should be exported.  
onExportElementMultiAspects(_aspects: ElementMultiAspect[]): void Called when ElementMultiAspects should be exported.  
onExportElementUniqueAspect(_aspect: ElementUniqueAspect, _isUpdate: boolean): void Called when an ElementUniqueAspect should be exported.  
onExportFont(_font: FontProps, _isUpdate: boolean): void Called when a font should be exported.  
onExportModel(_model: Model, _isUpdate: boolean): void Called when a model should be exported.  
onExportRelationship(_relationship: Relationship, _isUpdate: boolean): void Called when a Relationship should be exported.  
onExportSchema(_schema: Schema): Promise<void | ExportSchemaResult> Called when a schema should be exported.  
onProgress(): Promise<void> This method is called when IModelExporter has made incremental progress based on the progressInterval setting.  
onSkipElement(_elementId: string): void Called when element is skipped instead of exported.  
shouldExportCodeSpec(_codeSpec: CodeSpec): boolean If true is returned, then the CodeSpec will be exported.  
shouldExportElement(_element: Element): boolean If true is returned, then the element will be exported.  
shouldExportElementAspect(_aspect: ElementAspect): boolean If true is returned, then the ElementAspect will be exported.  
shouldExportRelationship(_relationship: Relationship): boolean If true is returned, then the relationship will be exported.  
shouldExportSchema(_schemaKey: SchemaKey): boolean If true is returned, then the schema will be exported.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 10 June, 2024