
Types related to presentation content.


Name Description  
ArrayPropertiesField Describes a content field that's based on one or more similar EC array properties.  
Content A data structure that contains the Descriptor and a list of Item  
Descriptor Data structure that describes content: fields, sorting, filtering, format, etc.  
Field Describes a single content field.  
Item A data structure that represents a single content record.  
NestedContentField Describes a content field that contains Nested content.  
PropertiesField Describes a content field that's based on one or more similar  
StructPropertiesField Describes a content field that's based on one or more similar EC struct properties.  


Name Description  
ContentFlags Flags that control content format.  
DefaultContentDisplayTypes Displayed content types.  
FieldDescriptorType Types of different field descriptors.  
PropertyValueFormat Format of the property value.  
SortDirection Data sorting direction  

Global Functions

Name Description  
addFieldHierarchy Adds a field hierarchy into root field hierarchies list.  
combineFieldNames Combines given field names in a way that allows them to be parsed back into a list of individual names using the parseCombinedFieldNames function.  
createFieldHierarchies Parses a list of Field objects into a list of FieldHierarchy.  
parseCombinedFieldNames Parses given combined field names string, constructed using combineFieldNames, into a list of individual field names.  
traverseContent An utility to traverse content using provided visitor.  
traverseContentItem An utility for calling traverseContent when there's only one content item.  
traverseFieldHierarchy An utility for traversing field hierarchy.  


Name Description  
ArrayPropertiesFieldJSON Data structure for a ArrayPropertiesField serialized to JSON.  
ArrayTypeDescription Type description for array properties.  
BaseFieldJSON Data structure for a Field serialized to JSON.  
BaseTypeDescription Data structure for base content field type description.  
CategoryDescription A data structure that describes a Field category.  
CategoryDescriptionJSON Serialized CategoryDescription JSON representation.  
ContentJSON Serialized Content JSON representation.  
DescriptorJSON Serialized Descriptor JSON representation.  
DescriptorOverrides Descriptor overrides that can be used to customize content  
DescriptorSource Descriptor properties  
DisplayValueGroup A group of raw values and their common display value.  
DisplayValueGroupJSON JSON representation of DisplayValueGroup. Deprecated
DisplayValuesArray An array of display values  
DisplayValuesArrayJSON JSON representation of DisplayValuesArray Deprecated
DisplayValuesMap A map of display values  
DisplayValuesMapJSON JSON representation of DisplayValuesMap Deprecated
EditorDescription A data structure which describes property editor used  
FieldDescriptorBase Base for a field descriptor  
FieldHierarchy A data structure to define a hierarchy of Field objects.  
IContentVisitor An interface for a visitor that can be passed to the traverseContent function  
ItemJSON Serialized Item JSON representation.  
NamedFieldDescriptor Field descriptor that identifies a content field by its unique name.  
NavigationPropertyValue Data structure that describes value of the navigation property.  
NestedContentFieldJSON Data structure for a NestedContentField serialized to JSON.  
NestedContentValue Data structure that describes nested content value.  
NestedContentValueJSON JSON representation of NestedContentValue Deprecated
PrimitiveTypeDescription Type description for primitive properties.  
ProcessFieldHierarchiesProps Props for the processFieldHierarchies call.  
ProcessMergedValueProps Props for the processMergedValue call.  
ProcessPrimitiveValueProps Props for the processPrimitiveValue call.  
PropertiesFieldDescriptor Field descriptor that identifies a properties field using a list of  
PropertiesFieldJSON Data structure for a PropertiesField serialized to JSON.  
Property Data structure that describes a single ECProperty that's  
PropertyAccessor Data structure that describes one step of property  
PropertyJSON JSON representation of Property  
RendererDescription Describes property renderer used for a content Field.  
SelectClassInfo Data structure that describes an ECClass in content Descriptor.  
SelectClassInfoJSON Serialized SelectClassInfo JSON representation  
SelectionInfo Data structure that contains selection information.  
StartArrayProps Props for the startArray call.  
StartCategoryProps Props for the startCategory call.  
StartContentProps Props for the startContent call.  
StartFieldProps Props for the startField call.  
StartItemProps Props for the startItem call.  
StartStructProps Props for the startStruct call.  
StructFieldMemberDescription A data structure that describes a struct member.  
StructPropertiesFieldJSON Data structure for a StructPropertiesField serialized to JSON.  
StructTypeDescription Type description for struct properties.  
ValuesArray An array of raw values  
ValuesArrayJSON JSON representation of ValuesArray Deprecated
ValuesMap A map of raw values  
ValuesMapJSON JSON representation of ValuesMap Deprecated


Name Description  

Type Aliases

Name Description  
DisplayValue Display value type.  
DisplayValueJSON JSON representation of DisplayValue Deprecated
FieldDescriptor A union of all possible field descriptor types  
FieldJSON JSON representation of a Field  
PropertyAccessorPath Describes path to a property.  
TypeDescription One of content field type descriptions.  
Value Raw value type  
ValueJSON JSON representation of Value Deprecated

Last Updated: 16 July, 2024