
The UiDataProvider sets up data synchronization for apps that wish to develop their UI directly in React.

As an abstract class, the app must extend it with a class in their own app:

export class MyUiProvider extends UiDataProvider {}

UiDataProvider relies on the app to provide an array of DialogPropertyItem to communicate with the UI. To set this up, the app defines supplyAvailableProperties() to return the array of DialogPropertyItem interfaces:

public supplyAvailableProperties(): DialogPropertyItem[] {
  return [
    { value: { value: this.currentAnimationType as number }, propertyName: this.currentAnimationTypePropertyName },
    { value: { value: this.monitorMode }, propertyName: this.monitorModePropertyName },
    { value: { value: this.startTime }, propertyName: this.startTimePropertyName },
    { value: { value: this.endTime }, propertyName: this.endTimePropertyName },
    { value: { value: this.monitorTime }, propertyName: this.monitorTimePropertyName },
    { value: { value: this.minDate }, propertyName: this.minDatePropertyName },
    { value: { value: this.maxDate }, propertyName: this.maxDatePropertyName },
    { value: { value: this.alarmText }, propertyName: this.alarmTextPropertyName },

The method processChangesInUi() notifies the dataProvider that the UI has changed. This is usually called from the OK handler in a modal dialog. Here's an example of the processChangesInUi method that goes with the supplyAvailableProperties example above:

public processChangesInUi(properties: DialogPropertyItem[]): PropertyChangeResult {
  if (properties.length > 0) {
    for (const prop of properties) {
      if (prop.propertyName === this.currentAnimationTypePropertyName) {
        this.currentAnimationType = this.getAnimationType(prop.value.value! as number);
      if (prop.propertyName === this.monitorModePropertyName) {
        this.monitorMode = prop.value.value! as boolean;
      if (prop.propertyName === this.startTimePropertyName) {
        this.startTime = (prop.value.value! as Date);
      if (prop.propertyName === this.endTimePropertyName) {
        this.endTime = (prop.value.value! as Date);

  if (this.monitorMode) {
    return { status: PropertyChangeStatus.Success };
  } else {
    // get duration in minutes.
    let duration: number = (this.endTime.getTime() - this.startTime.getTime()) / (60.0 * 1000.0);
    if (duration < 10)
      duration = 10;
    this.extension.runAnimation(this.currentAnimationType, duration, this.startTime.getTime());
    return { status: PropertyChangeStatus.Success };

Last Updated: 01 May, 2024