
The Base category in the @itwin/core-react package includes low-level classes and components for building a user interface.


The Div component is a base <div> HTML element wrapper.

The mandatory mainClassName prop is used as the first value for the className prop for the <div>. The optional className prop is used as the second value for the className. The optional style prop can also provide CSS properties for the <div>.


A React component that uses the Div component accepts props with the type of CommonDivProps. CommonDivProps contains all HTML attributes appropriate for a <div> element. The mainClassName prop sets the main CSS class to use.

import * as React from "react";
import { CommonDivProps, Div } from "@itwin/core-react";

export function MyComponent(props: CommonDivProps) {
  return <Div {...props} mainClassName="my-css-class" />;


The DivWithOutsideClick component is a <div> HTML element with Outside Click behavior, which is provided by the withOnOutsideClick HOC.


Centered displays content centered vertically and horizontally. It uses the uicore-centered CSS class.


FillCentered displays content centered vertically and horizontally and has a height and width of 100%. It uses the uicore-fill-centered CSS class.


FlexWrapContainer wraps content onto multiple lines and has the 'display: flex' and 'flex-wrap: wrap' CSS properties. It uses the uicore-flex-wrap-container CSS class.


ScrollView scrolls content vertically. It has the 'overflow-y: auto' CSS property and has a height and width of 100%. It uses the uicore-scrollview CSS class.

Last Updated: 01 May, 2024