
The CheckListBox React component shows a list of Checkbox items. The CheckListBoxItem component is the item with a Checkbox added to a CheckListBox. The CheckListBoxSeparator component is the separator item for the CheckListBox.


The CheckListBoxItemProps interface contains the properties for the CheckListBoxItem component. The label prop is mandatory and is the label shown for the Checkbox. The checked props indicates whether the item is checked. The disabled prop indicates whether the item is disabled. The onClick prop is the function called when the item is clicked.


CheckListBoxItem components are the children of the CheckListBox component. The CheckListBoxSeparator component is used for a separator item.

  <CheckListBoxItem label="Item 1" />
  <CheckListBoxItem label="Item 2" />
  <CheckListBoxSeparator />
  <CheckListBoxItem label="Item 3" />
  <CheckListBoxItem label="Item 4" />


checklistbox dark

Last Updated: 01 May, 2024