
APIs for loading and using Settings and Workspace resources


Name Description  
WorkspaceSqliteDb Abstract base class for a SQLite database that has RequiredVersionRanges stored in it.  


Name Description  
workspaceDbFileExt file extension for local WorkspaceDbs  

Global Functions

Name Description  
makeWorkspaceDbFileName Create a dbName for a WorkspaceDb from its base name and version.  
parseWorkspaceDbFileName Parse the name stored in a WorkspaceContainer into the dbName and version number.  
validateWorkspaceContainerId Validate that a WorkspaceContainer.Id is valid.  


Name Description  
CreateNewWorkspaceContainerArgs Arguments supplied to createNewCloudContainer to create a new EditableWorkspaceContainer.  
CreateNewWorkspaceDbVersionArgs Arguments supplied to createNewWorkspaceDbVersion.  
EditableWorkspaceContainer A WorkspaceContainer opened for editing by a WorkspaceEditor.  
EditableWorkspaceDb An editable WorkspaceDb.  
GetWorkspaceContainerArgs Arguments supplied to getContainer and getContainer.  
GetWorkspaceResourceArgs Arguments supplied to getStringResource and WOrkspace.getBlobResource.  
OwnedWorkspace Settings and resources that customize an application for the current session.  
QueryWorkspaceResourcesArgs Arguments supplied to queryResources defining the query criteria and the list of WorkspaceDbs to query.  
SettingGroupSchema Metadata describing a group of related SettingSchemas.  
Settings The collection of Settings that supply the run-time configuration of a Workspace.  
SettingSchema Metadata describing a single Setting as part of a SettingGroupSchema.  
SettingsContainer An object that defines the values for any number of Settings.  
SettingsDictionary A named container that supplies values for Settings.  
SettingsDictionaryProps Properties of a SettingsDictionary, defining its name, the WorkspaceDb (if any) from which it originated, and its priority relative to other dictionaries.  
SettingsDictionarySource Uniquely identifies a SettingsDictionary.  
SettingsSchemas The registry of metadata describing groups of SettingSchemas available to the current session.  
Workspace Settings and resources that customize an application for the current session.  
WorkspaceContainer A WorkspaceContainer is a type of CloudContainer that holds one or more WorkspaceDbs.  
WorkspaceContainerProps Properties describing a WorkspaceContainer for methods like getContainerAsync.  
WorkspaceDb A SQLite database in a Workspace containing named resources that the application is configured to use.  
WorkspaceDbLoadError An exception thrown when attempting to load a WorkspaceDb or some of its data; for example, if the WorkspaceDb could not be found or the user  
WorkspaceDbLoadErrors An exception that may occur while opening an IModelDb if any problems are detected while loading its workspace.  
WorkspaceDbManifest Metadata stored inside a WorkspaceDb describing the database's contents, to help users understand the purpose of the WorkspaceDb, who to  
WorkspaceDbNameAndVersion Specifies the name and version of a WorkspaceDb.  
WorkspaceDbProps Properties that specify how to load a WorkspaceDb within a WorkspaceContainer.  
WorkspaceDbQueryResourcesArgs Arguments supplied to queryResources.  
WorkspaceDbSettingsProps Specifies a resource inside a WorkspaceDb that holds a SettingsDictionary to load into settings.  
WorkspaceEditor An object that permits administrators to modify the contents of a Workspace.  
WorkspaceOpts Options supplied to startup via workspace to customize the initialization of appWorkspace.  


Name Description  
WorkspaceSettingNames The names of various Settings with special meaning to the Workspace system.  

Type Aliases

Name Description  
QueryWorkspaceResourcesCallback A function supplied as part of a QueryWorkspaceResourcesArgs to iterate the resources retrieved by queryResources.  
Setting The value of a single named parameter within a settings that configures some aspect of the applications run-time behavior.  
SettingName The name of a Setting.  
SettingsPriority Defines the precedence of a SettingsDictionary.  
WorkspaceContainerId The unique identifier of a WorkspaceContainer.  
WorkspaceDbCloudProps Properties describing a WorkspaceDb and the WorkspaceContainer containing it.  
WorkspaceDbFullName The fully-specified name of a WorkspaceDb, combining its WorkspaceDbName and WorkspaceDbVersion in the format "name:version".  
WorkspaceDbName The base name of a WorkspaceDb, without any version information.  
WorkspaceDbQueryResourcesCallback A function supplied as callback to be invoked to process the requested resources.  
WorkspaceDbVersion A semver string describing the version of a WorkspaceDb, e.g., "4.2.11".  
WorkspaceDbVersionIncrement The release increment for a version number, used as part of CreateNewWorkspaceDbVersionArgs to specify the kind of version to create.  
WorkspaceDbVersionRange A semver string describing a range of acceptable WorkspaceDbVersions,  
WorkspaceResourceName The name of a blob, string, or file resource stored in a WorkspaceDb.  

Last Updated: 08 July, 2024