RadialMenuProps Interface

Deprecated  in 4.14.0. Props of deprecated component RadialMenu.

Properties for RadialMenu



Name Type Description
children React.ReactNode | undefined Content  
innerRadius number Radius of inner portion of RadialMenu  
labelRotate boolean | undefined Whether to rotate labels according to location on the RadialMenu, or to keep labels upright.  
left string | number Optional parameter to specify left position in viewport.  
onBlur (event: any) => any | undefined triggered in case of onClick events anywhere other than radial menu  
onEsc (event: any) => any | undefined triggered onKeyUp for key  
opened boolean Whether to show RadialMenu  
outerRadius number Radius of outer portion of RadialMenu  
selected number | undefined Which child RadialButton to highlight  
top string | number Optional parameter to specify top position in viewport.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
className string | undefined CommonProps Custom CSS class name
itemId string | undefined CommonProps Optional unique identifier for item.
style React.CSSProperties | undefined CommonProps Custom CSS style properties

Defined in

Last Updated: 17 June, 2024