FrameworkVisibility Interface


UiFramework.visibility interface


Name Description
handleContentMouseMove(_event?: MouseEvent<HTMLElement, MouseEvent>): void Handler for when the mouse moves over the content area  
handleFrontstageReady(): void Handler for when a Frontstage is ready  
handleWidgetMouseEnter(_event?: MouseEvent<HTMLElement, MouseEvent>): void Handler for when the mouse enters a widget  
showUiAndCancelTimer(): void Shows the Ui and cancels the inactivity timer  
showUiAndResetTimer(): void Shows the Ui and resets the inactivity timer  


Name Type Description
autoHideUi boolean Determines whether the auto-hide Ui feature is on.  
inactivityTime number Determines the amount of inactivity time before the Ui is hidden.  
isUiVisible boolean Determines if the Ui is visible  
showHideFooter boolean Determines whether the status bar is shown and hidden.  
showHidePanels boolean Determines whether the widget panels are shown and hidden.  
snapWidgetOpacity boolean Determines whether the opacity of a toolbar should snap.  
useProximityOpacity boolean Determines whether the proximity of the mouse should alter the opacity of a toolbar.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023