

Name Description
ActivateSettingsTabEvent Event class for onActivateSettingsTab which is emitted when API call needs to set the active settings tab (ie via Tool key-in).
AutoSuggest Auto Suggest React component.
Button Generic button component Deprecated
Checkbox A React component that renders a simple checkbox with label. Deprecated
CheckListBox React component showing a list of Checkbox items.
CheckListBoxItem Item with a checkbox added to a CheckListBox.
ContextMenu A context menu populated with ContextMenuItem components.
ContextMenuDivider Menu Divider for ContextMenu.
ContextMenuItem Menu Item class for use within a ContextMenu component.
ContextSubMenu Submenu wrapper class for use within a ContextMenu component.
Dialog Dialog React component with optional resizing and dragging functionality
ExpandableBlock ExpandableBlock React component is a container that shows and hides child content. Deprecated
ExpandableList ExpandableList React component is a container for ExpandableBlock components.
ExpansionToggle ExpansionToggle React component used by the TreeNode component to show collapsed or expanded state
Field Component that represents a single field in an input form.
Form Component used to create a Form using supplied properties to specify the fields of the Form.
GlobalContextMenu GlobalContextMenu React component used to display a ContextMenu at the cursor
GlobalDialog GlobalDialog React component used to display a Dialog on the top of screen
IconHelper Icon Helper Class used to store the data needed to generate an for use in any control that shows an icon.
IconWebComponent IconWebComponent loads icon from an svg path
ImageCheckBox ImageCheckBox React component shows a checked or unchecked image
InputLabel Text input wrapper that provides additional styling and labeling
LabeledSelect Dropdown wrapper that allows for additional styling and labelling Deprecated
LabeledToggle Toggle component with a Label to the right Deprecated
LoadingBar A loading bar with optional percentage text.
LoadingPrompt A component to display during loading that optionally shows percentage, status text and a cancel button.
LoadingSpinner A loading spinner component that optionally shows a text message.
LoadingStatus A loading indicator that shows status text along with the percentage.
LocalStateStorage Implementation of UiStateStorage using Window.localStorage.
MessageBox Message Box React component.
MessageContainer Message Container React component.
Popup Popup React component displays a popup relative to an optional target element.
ProcessSettingsContainerCloseEvent Event class for onProcessSettingsContainerClose which is emitted when the settings container will be closed.
ProcessSettingsTabActivationEvent Event class for onProcessSettingsTabActivation which is emitted when a new Tab needs to be activated.
RadialButton Button for use within a RadialMenu
RadialMenu A context menu arranged in a radial layout.
Radio Basic radio input component is a wrapper for the <input type="radio"> HTML element. Deprecated
ScrollPositionMaintainer A helper class to recursively save and restore scroll positions.
Input box for entering text to search for.
SettingsManager Settings Manager class.
SettingsProvidersChangedEvent Event class for onSettingsProvidersChanged which is emitted when a new SettingsTabsProvider is added or removed.
Spinner An indeterminate spinner component. Deprecated
SplitButton SplitButton with an action button on the left and an arrow button that displays a context menu on the right. Deprecated
SvgPath Svg element wrapper with specified Svg paths.
SvgSprite Svg element wrapper.
Tabs Tabs meant to represent the current position in a page/section
Tile The Tile React component is a container for rendering elements that can be grouped together. Beta
Timer Notifies handler after a set interval.
Tree Presentation React component for a Tree
TreeBranch Presentation React component for a Tree branch
TreeNode Presentation React component for a Tree node
TreeNodePlaceholder Presentation React component for a placeholder to be displayed instead of a node while it's being loaded
UiCore Manages the Localization service for the core-react package.
UiEvent iTwin.js UI UiEvent class is a subclass of BeEvent with argument type safety.
UiStateEntry A single UI State enter that is identified by namespace and setting name.


Name Description
DivWithOutsideClick Div element with Outside Click behavior
FormContext React context used by Form as a Provider and by the Fields as Consumers and updaters.


Name Description
ButtonSize Sizes for Button component Deprecated
ButtonType Types for Button component Deprecated
CheckBoxState State of a checkbox
ContextMenuDirection Enum to specify where a ContextMenu should anchor to its parent element
DialogAlignment Enum for dialog alignment
DialogButtonStyle Enum for button style. Deprecated
DialogButtonType Enum for button types. Deprecated
HorizontalAlignment Enumeration for horizontal alignment.
InputStatus Enum for Input status
MessageSeverity Message Severity enum. Deprecated
Orientation Enumeration of orientation.
SortDirection Enumeration for sorting direction.
SpinnerSize Size for Spinner component Deprecated
TimeFormat Enumeration of time formats.
ToggleButtonType Toggle display types Deprecated
UiStateStorageStatus Enum for UiStateStorage status.
VerticalAlignment Enumeration for vertical alignment.

Global Functions

Name Description
BlockText Styled block text React functional component
BodyText Styled body text React functional component
Centered Centered React functional component.
CheckListBoxSeparator Separator added to a CheckListBox.
DisabledText Styled disabled text React functional component
Div Base div element React component
ElementResizeObserver ElementResizeObserver provides functionality similar to ReactResizeDetector when a render function is specified.
ElementSeparator A movable button, which allows to change the ratio between left element and right element
FeaturedTile Featured Tile component Beta
FillCentered Full height & width and centered React functional component.
FlexWrapContainer Flex Wrap Container React functional component.
Gap Horizontal gap or space React component.
getCssVariable Get CSS variable
getCssVariableAsNumber Get CSS variable as number
Headline Styled headline text React functional component Deprecated
HorizontalTabs Horizontal tabs meant to represent the current position in a page/section Deprecated
Icon Icon Functional component displays an icon based on an IconSpec.
IconInput Input component with icon to the left of the input field
Input Basic text input, is a wrapper for the <input type="text"> HTML element. Deprecated
LabeledInput Text input wrapper that provides additional styling and labeling Deprecated
LabeledTextarea Textarea wrapper that allows for additional styling and labelling Deprecated
LabeledThemedSelect Dropdown wrapper that allows for additional styling and labelling Beta
LeadingText Styled leading text React functional component Deprecated
LeadingText2 Styled leading text React functional component Deprecated
MessageRenderer React component renders a string, HTMLElement or React node in a div or span
MinimalFeaturedTile Minimal and Featured Tile component Beta
MinimalTile Minimal Tile component Beta
MutedText Styled muted/gray text React functional component
NumberInput Input component for numbers with up and down buttons to increment and decrement the value.
PopupContextMenu Component that displays a ContextMenu within a Popup component, allowing the target element to be specified.
ProgressBar ProgressBar React component shows a horizontal progress bar. Beta
ProgressSpinner Circular Progress Indicator that supports determinate and indeterminate modes. Beta
ResizableContainerObserver ResizableContainerObserver is a component that provides the functionality similar to the ReactResizeDetector option that call a function when
ScrollView Scroll View React functional component.
Select Basic select component is a wrapper for the <select> HTML element. Deprecated
SettingsContainer SettingsContainer component that displays Setting Tabs on Left and the P
Slider Slider React component displays a range slider. Deprecated
SmallText Styled small text React functional component Deprecated
StyledText The base component for other text components that pass a main CSS class name.
Subheading Styled subheading text React functional component Deprecated
Subheading2 Styled subheading text React functional component Deprecated
Textarea Basic textarea component Deprecated
ThemedSelect ThemedSelect is a wrapper for react-select with iTwin.js UI theming applied Beta
Title Styled title text React functional component Deprecated
Title2 Styled title text React functional component Deprecated
Toggle Toggle React component to show an "on" or "off" state Deprecated
Tooltip Component that displays tooltip for a specified target element. Beta
UnderlinedButton A React component that makes text clickable and underlined
useCrossOriginPopup Hook that will show a popup window Beta
useDisposable A custom hook which creates a disposable object and manages its disposal on unmount
useEffectSkipFirst Custom hook which works like useEffect hook, but does not invoke callback when effect is triggered for the first time.
useInterval Hook that create an interval and clears it when unloaded Beta
useOnOutsideClick Invokes onOutsideClick handler when user clicks outside of referenced element.
useOptionalDisposable A custom hook which calls the factory method to create a disposable object
useSaveBeforeActivatingNewSettingsTab Hook to use within Settings Page component to allow saving the current page's data before loading to the requested Setting Tab's page.
useSaveBeforeClosingSettingsContainer Hook to use within Settings Page component to allow saving the current page's data before the Setting Container is closed.
VerticalTabs Vertical tabs meant to represent the current position in a page/section
WebFontIcon WebFontIcon React component
withIsPressed withIsPressed is a React higher-order component that adds pointer and mouse events.
withOnOutsideClick withOnOutsideClick is a React higher-order component that adds outside click support.
withTimeout withTimeout is a React higher-order component that adds timeout support.


Name Description
ActivateSettingsTabEventArgs Arguments of onActivateSettingsTab event.
AutoSuggestData Data for the AutoSuggest options
AutoSuggestProps Properties for the AutoSuggest component.
ButtonProps Properties for Button component Deprecated
CheckBoxInfo A data type that holds all the checkbox display attributes
CheckboxProps Properties for Checkbox React component Deprecated
CheckListBoxItemProps Properties for the CheckListBoxItem component
ClassNameProps Props used by components that expect class name to be passed in.
CommonDivProps Common properties using a div element.
CommonProps Common props used by components.
ContextMenuItemProps Properties for the ContextMenuItem component
ContextMenuProps Properties for the ContextMenu component
ContextSubMenuProps Properties for the ContextSubMenu component
DialogButtonDef Interface for a dialog button in a button cluster Deprecated
DialogProps Properties for the Dialog component
DivProps Properties for the Div component
ElementSeparatorProps Properties of ElementSeparator React component
ExpandableBlockProps Properties for the ExpandableBlock React component Deprecated
ExpandableListProps Properties for ExpandableList component
ExpansionToggleProps Properties for the ExpansionToggle component
FieldDef Interface used to define each Field in a Form
FieldDefinitions Key/value pairs for all the field definitions to be displayed in a Form.
FieldProps Properties used to create a Field in a Form
FieldValues Key/value pairs for all the field values with key being the field HTML Id.
FormContextState FormContextState combines the Form's state data with the callbacks used to update the value of the state data.
FormProps Properties that define Form including the callback to be called when the Submit button is pressed.
GapProps Properties for the Gap component.
GlobalContextMenuProps Properties for the GlobalContextMenu component
GlobalDialogProps Properties for the GlobalDialog component
GlobalDialogState State properties for the GlobalDialog component
IconInputProps Properties for the IconInput component
IconProps Properties for the Icon React component
ImageCheckBoxProps Properties for the ImageCheckBox component
InputLabelProps Properties for InputLabel components
InputProps Properties for the Input component Deprecated
LabeledComponentProps Properties for labeled components
LabeledInputProps Properties for LabeledInput components Deprecated
LabeledSelectProps Properties for LabeledSelect components Deprecated
LabeledTextareaProps Properties for LabeledTextarea component Deprecated
LabeledThemedSelectProps Properties for LabeledThemedSelect components Beta
LabeledToggleProps Properties for LabeledToggle Deprecated
LoadingBarProps Properties for LoadingBar component
LoadingPromptProps Properties for LoadingPrompt component
LoadingSpinnerProps Properties for LoadingSpinner component
LoadingStatusProps Properties for LoadingStatus component
MainTabsProps Properties for the base Tabs component
MessageBoxProps Properties for the MessageBox component
MessageContainerProps Properties for the MessageContainer component
MessagedComponentProps Properties for components with messages
MessageRendererProps Properties for the MessageRenderer component
NoChildrenProps Props used by components that do not expect children to be passed in.
NodeCheckboxProps Properties for Tree Node CheckBox
NumberInputProps Properties for the NumberInput component
OptionType OptionType for react-select 2.0 and above. Beta
PointProps Describes 2d points. Deprecated
PopupContextMenuProps Properties for PopupContextMenu component
PopupProps Properties for the Popup component
ProcessSettingsContainerCloseEventArgs Arguments of onProcessSettingsContainerClose event.
ProcessSettingsTabActivationEventArgs Arguments of onProcessSettingsTabActivation event.
ProgressBarProps Properties for ProgressBar component Beta
ProgressSpinnerProps Properties for ProgressSpinner component Beta
RadialButtonProps Properties for RadialButton component
RadialMenuProps Properties for RadialMenu
RadioProps Properties for Radio component Deprecated
RatioChangeResult Results returned by onRatioChanged callback for determining new ratio and whether the ratio was updated.
ReactMessage Describes a React based message
RectangleProps Describes 2d bounds.
RenderPropsArgs Prop the ElementResizeObserver sends to the render function.
SearchBoxProps Properties for SearchBox component
SelectOption Properties for a Select option Deprecated
SelectProps Properties for Select component Deprecated
SettingsProvidersChangedEventArgs Arguments of onSettingsProvidersChanged event.
SettingsTabEntry Interface used to populate a tab entry in the SettingContainer control
SettingsTabsProvider Setting Provider interface.
SizeProps Describes 2d dimensions.
SliderProps Properties for Slider component
SpinnerProps Properties for Spinner component Deprecated
SplitButtonProps Properties for SplitButton component Deprecated
StyledTextProps Properties for StyledText component
SvgPathProps Properties of SvgPath component.
SvgSpriteProps Properties of SvgSprite component.
TabLabel TabLabel provides ability to define label, icon, and tooltip for a tab entry.
TabsProps Properties for the HorizontalTabs and VerticalTabs components
TextareaProps Properties for Textarea component Deprecated
TextProps Properties for various text components
TileProps Properties for the Tile component Beta
ToggleProps Properties for Toggle component Deprecated
TooltipProps Properties for the Tooltip component Beta
TreeBranchProps Properties for TreeBranch React component
TreeNodePlaceholderProps Properties for the TreeNodePlaceholder React component
TreeNodeProps Properties for the TreeNode React component
TreeProps Properties for the Tree presentational React component
UiStateStorage Interface for getting, saving and deleting settings.
UiStateStorageResult Interface for result of accessing UI state setting in UiStateStorage.
UnderlinedButtonProps Properties for the UnderlinedButton React component
WebFontIconProps Properties for the WebFontIcon React component
WithIsPressedProps Properties for withIsPressed React higher-order component
WithOnOutsideClickProps Properties for withOnOutsideClick React higher-order component
WithTimeoutProps Properties for withTimeout React higher-order component

Type Aliases

Name Description
FieldEditor The available editors for the fields in a Form.
IconSpec Prototype for an IconSpec which can be a string, ReactNode or ConditionalStringValue.
MessageType Types for message
NodeCheckboxRenderProps Props for node Checkbox renderer
Omit Used to omit properties in a given interface
OmitChildrenProp Omit children property from T.
OptionsType OptionsType to match label/value pair OptionType Beta
RadialSizeType Type for ProgressRadialProps.size
StepFunctionProp Step function prototype for NumberInput component
ThemedSelectProps ThemedSelectProps to control specific features of ThemedSelect Beta
TooltipPlacement Available tooltip placements. Beta

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023