queryExtents Method

For each specified GeometricModel, attempts to obtain the union of the volumes of all geometric elements within that model.

queryExtents(ids: string | string[]): Promise<ModelExtentsProps[]>

see IModelDb.Models.queryRange to obtain the union of all of the models' extents.

Parameter Type Description
ids string | string[] The Id or Ids of the GeometricModels for which to obtain the extents.

Returns - Promise<ModelExtentsProps[]>

An array of results, one per supplied Id, in the order in which the Ids were supplied. If the extents could not be obtained, the corresponding results entry's extents will be a "null" range (See: Range3d.isNull) and its status will indicate why the extents could not be obtained (e.g., because the Id did not identify a GeometricModel).

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023