updateGeometryGuid Method

Mark the geometry of GeometricModel as having changed, by recording an indirect change to its GeometryGuid property. Typically the GeometryGuid changes automatically when GeometricElements within the model are modified, but explicitly updating it is occasionally useful after modifying definition elements like line styles or materials that indirectly affect the appearance of GeometricElements that reference those definition elements in their geometry streams. Cached Tiles are only invalidated after the geometry guid of the model changes.

updateGeometryGuid(modelId: string): void

note This will throw IModelError with IModelStatus.VersionTooOld if a version of the BisCore schema older than 1.0.11 is present in the iModel.

throws IModelError if unable to update the geometry guid.

see TxnManager.onModelGeometryChanged for the event emitted in response to such a change.

Parameter Type Description
modelId string  

Returns - void

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023