LineStyleDefinition.SymbolProps Interface

Identifies a symbol and its location and orientation relative to a stroke pattern


Name Type Description
angle undefined | number Symbol rotation in radians  
mod1 undefined | LineStyleDefinition.SymbolOptions Must set location for symbol as default value is LineStyleDefinition.SymbolOptions.None  
strokeNum undefined | number The 0 based stroke index for base stroke pattern LineStyleDefinition.ComponentType.StrokePattern component  
symId number The file property id of the symbol component, assumed to be LineStyleDefinition.ComponentType.PointSymbol if symType is undefined.  
symType undefined | LineStyleDefinition.ComponentType The component type, leave undefined if symId is a LineStyleDefinition.ComponentType.PointSymbol  
xOffset undefined | number Symbol x offset distance in meters  
yOffset undefined | number Symbol y offset distance in meters  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023