getOrCreateContinuousStyle MethodStatic

Query for a continuous line style that can be used to create curves with physical width instead of weight in pixels and create one if it does not already exist. There are 2 ways to define a continuous line style:

  • Width is not specified in the style itself and instead will be supplied as an override for each curve that is drawn.
  • Defined using LineStyleDefinition.ComponentType.Internal with component id 0 LinePixels.Solid which has special behavior of being affected by width overrides.
  • Width is specified in the style.
  • Defined using a single stroke component that is a long dash.

getOrCreateContinuousStyle(imodel: IModelDb, scopeModelId: string, width?: number): string

throws IModelError if unable to insert the line style definition element.

Parameter Type Description
imodel IModelDb  
scopeModelId string  
width number  

Returns - string

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023