ChangeSetStatus Enumeration

Error statuses produced by various Changeset operations, typically encountered as the errorNumber of an IModelError.


Name Value Description
Success 0  
ApplyError 90113 Error applying a change set when reversing or reinstating it
ChangeTrackingNotEnabled 90114 Change tracking has not been enabled. The ChangeSet API mandates this.
CorruptedChangeStream 90115 Contents of the change stream are corrupted and does not match the ChangeSet
FileNotFound 90116 File containing the changes to the change set is not found
FileWriteError 90117 Error writing the contents of the change set to the backing change stream file
HasLocalChanges 90118 Cannot perform the operation since the Db has local changes
HasUncommittedChanges 90119 Cannot perform the operation since current transaction has uncommitted changes
InvalidId 90120 Invalid ChangeSet Id
InvalidVersion 90121 Invalid version of the change set
InDynamicTransaction 90122 Cannot perform the operation since system is in the middle of a dynamic transaction
IsCreatingChangeSet 90123 Cannot perform operation since system is in the middle of a creating a change set
IsNotCreatingChangeSet 90124 Cannot perform operation since the system is not creating a change set
MergePropagationError 90125 Error propagating the changes after the merge
NothingToMerge 90126 No change sets to merge
NoTransactions 90127 No transactions are available to create a change set
ParentMismatch 90128 Parent change set of the Db does not match the parent id of the change set
SQLiteError 90129 Error performing a SQLite operation on the Db
WrongDgnDb 90130 ChangeSet originated in a different Db
CouldNotOpenDgnDb 90131 Could not open the DgnDb to merge change set
MergeSchemaChangesOnOpen 90132 Cannot merge changes in in an open DgnDb. Close the DgnDb, and process the operation when it is opened.
ReverseOrReinstateSchemaChanges 90133 Cannot reverse or reinstate schema changes.
ProcessSchemaChangesOnOpen 90134 Cannot process changes schema changes in an open DgnDb. Close the DgnDb, and process the operation when it is opened.
CannotMergeIntoReadonly 90135 Cannot merge changes into a Readonly DgnDb.
CannotMergeIntoMaster 90136 Cannot merge changes into a Master DgnDb.
CannotMergeIntoReversed 90137 Cannot merge changes into a DgnDb that has reversed change sets.
DownloadCancelled 90138 ChangeSet(s) download was cancelled.

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023