DisplayStyleModelAppearanceProps Interface

A FeatureAppearanceProps applied to a specific model to override its appearance within the context of a DisplayStyle.

see DisplayStyleSettingsProps.modelOvr.




Name Type Description
modelId string The Id of the model whose appearance is to be overridden.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
emphasized undefined | "true" FeatureAppearanceProps See FeatureAppearance.emphasized.
ignoresMaterial undefined | "true" FeatureAppearanceProps See FeatureAppearance.ignoresMaterial.
linePixels undefined | LinePixels FeatureAppearanceProps See FeatureAppearance.linePixels.
nonLocatable undefined | "true" FeatureAppearanceProps See FeatureAppearance.nonLocatable.
rgb undefined | RgbColorProps FeatureAppearanceProps See FeatureAppearance.rgb.
transparency undefined | number FeatureAppearanceProps See FeatureAppearance.transparency.
viewDependentTransparency undefined | "true" FeatureAppearanceProps See FeatureAppearance.viewDependentTransparency.
weight undefined | number FeatureAppearanceProps See FeatureAppearance.weight.

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023