LightSettingsProps Interface

Wire format for a LightSettings describing lighting for a 3d scene. 3d lighting provides the following lights, all of which are optional:

  • A "portrait" light affixed to the camera and pointing directly forward into the scene. Color: white.
  • A second directional light. Color: white.
    • This can be a solar shadow-casting light, or (when shadows are disabled) a roughly overhead light oriented in view space.
  • A pair of hemisphere lights pointing in opposite directions along the world Z axis. Each has its own customizable color.
  • An ambient light of any color applied equally to all surfaces. Specular intensity of all lights is controlled separately. Light intensities are typically expressed in [0..1] but can be as large as 5.

see DisplayStyle3dSettingsProps



Name Type Description
ambient undefined | AmbientLightProps Ambient light settings.  
fresnel undefined | FresnelSettingsProps Fresnel settings.  
hemisphere undefined | HemisphereLightsProps Hemisphere light settings.  
numCels undefined | number Applies a cel-shaded effect.  
portrait undefined | { intensity?: number } A white portrait light affixed to the camera and pointing directly forward into the scene.  
solar undefined | SolarLightProps Solar light settings.  
specularIntensity undefined | number Specular intensity applied to all lights.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023