RenderMode Enumeration

Enumerates the available basic rendering modes, as part of a DisplayStyle's ViewFlags. The rendering mode broadly affects various aspects of the display style - in particular, whether and how surfaces and their edges are drawn.



Name Value Description
Wireframe 0 Renders only the edges of surfaces, with exceptions for planar regions based on their FillFlags.
Lighting (and by extension, shadows) is not applied.
HiddenLine.Settings are not applied - edges use the elements' width, style, and color.
ViewFlags.hiddenEdges is ignored - hidden edges are never displayed in wireframe mode.
HiddenLine 3 Identical to RenderMode.SolidFill, except:
- Surfaces are drawn using the DisplayStyle's background color.
- Edges are drawn using their surface's colors; this can be overridden using HiddenLine.Settings.
SolidFill 4 Renders surfaces and their edges. By default, edges are drawn in white; this can be overridden using HiddenLine.Settings.
All surfaces are rendered opaque. If a surface's transparency is below that specified by HiddenLine.Settings.transparencyThreshold, it is not rendered.
Materials and textures are not applied - surfaces are drawn in their actual colors.
ViewFlags.visibleEdges is ignored - visible edges are always drawn. Hidden edges can be enabled using ViewFlags.hiddenEdges.
Lighting (and by extension, shadows) is not applied.
SmoothShade 6 By default, renders surfaces without their edges.
Lighting and shadows can be applied using and ViewFlags.shadows.
Edges can be enabled using ViewFlags.visibleEdges and ViewFlags.hiddenEdges, and their appearance customized using HiddenLine.Settings.
Surfaces can be drawn with transparency, based on ViewFlags.transparency.

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023