GeodeticTransformProps Interface

This interface represents a geodetic transformation that enables transforming longitude/latitude coordinates from one datum to another.


Implemented by


Name Type Description
geocentric undefined | GeocentricTransformProps When method is Geocentric this property contains the geocentric parameters  
gridFile undefined | GridFileTransformProps When method is GridFiles this property contains the grid files parameters  
method GeodeticTransformMethod The method used by the geodetic transform  
positionalVector undefined | PositionalVectorTransformProps When method is PositionalVector this property contains the positional vector parameters  
sourceDatumId undefined | string The id of the source datum.  
sourceEllipsoid undefined | GeodeticEllipsoidProps The complete definition of the source geodetic ellipsoid referred to by ellipsoidId.  
targetDatumId undefined | string The id of the target datum.  
targetEllipsoid undefined | GeodeticEllipsoidProps The complete definition of the target geodetic ellipsoid referred to by ellipsoidId.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023