HorizontalCRSProps Interface

Horizontal Geographic Coordinate Reference System definition


Implemented by


Name Type Description
datum undefined | GeodeticDatumProps The complete definition of the geodetic datum referred to by datumId.  
datumId undefined | string The identifier of the geodetic datum as stored in the dictionary or the service database.  
deprecated undefined | boolean If true then indicates the definition is deprecated.  
description undefined | string Description  
ellipsoid undefined | GeodeticEllipsoidProps The complete definition of the geodetic datum referred to by datumId.  
ellipsoidId undefined | string The identifier of the geodetic ellipsoid as stored in the dictionary or the service database.  
epsg undefined | number The EPSG code of the CRS.  
extent undefined | HorizontalCRSExtentProps Extent representing the domain of application of the CRS.  
id undefined | string The identifier of the horizontal CRS as stored in the dictionary or the service database  
name undefined | string Used only for user-defined definitions that will typically use a GUID as id.  
projection undefined | ProjectionProps Projection including projection parameters.  
source undefined | string A textual description of the source of the CRS definition.  
unit undefined | UnitType The text indicating the unit used.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023