QueryRowFormat Enumeration

Specifies the format of the rows returned by the query and restartQuery methods of IModelConnection, IModelDb, and ECDb.



Name Value Description
UseECSqlPropertyNames 0 Each row is an object in which each non-null column value can be accessed by its name as defined in the ECSql.
Null values are omitted.
UseECSqlPropertyIndexes 1 Each row is an array of values accessed by an index corresponding to the property's position in the ECSql SELECT statement.
Null values are included if they are followed by a non-null column, but trailing null values at the end of the array are omitted.
UseJsPropertyNames 2 Each row is an object in which each non-null column value can be accessed by a remapped property name.
This format is backwards-compatible with the format produced by iTwin.js 2.x. Null values are omitted.

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023