AreaPattern.ParamsProps Interface

Definition of a hatch, cross-hatch, or area pattern that can be applied to the interior of a planar region.

see GeometryStreamEntryProps


Name Type Description
angle1 undefined | AngleProps Angle of first set of parallel lines in a hatch pattern or area pattern tile direction, 0.0 if undefined  
angle2 undefined | AngleProps Angle of second set of parallel lines in a cross-hatch, 0.0 if undefined  
color undefined | number Pattern color, leave undefined to inherit color from parent element.  
defLines undefined | AreaPattern.HatchDefLineProps[] Define an area pattern by supplying hatch line definitions instead of using a GeometryPart  
invisibleBoundary undefined | boolean Set to inhibit display of pattern boundary, not applicable when boundary is also filled, false if undefined  
origin undefined | XYZProps Pattern offset (relative to placement), 0.0,0.0,0.0 if undefined  
rotation undefined | YawPitchRollProps Pattern orientation (relative to placement), 0.0,0.0,0.0 if undefined  
scale undefined | number Scale to apply to area pattern symbol, 1.0 if undefined  
snappable undefined | boolean Set to allow snapping to pattern geometry, false if undefined  
space1 undefined | number Spacing of first set of parallel lines in a hatch pattern, or row spacing between area pattern tiles, 0.0 if undefined  
space2 undefined | number Spacing of second set of parallel lines in a cross-hatch (leave undefined or 0 for a hatch), or column spacing between area pattern tiles, 0.0 if undefined  
symbolId undefined | string GeometryPart id to use for tiled area pattern display  
weight undefined | number Pattern weight, leave undefined to inherit weight from parent element.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023