LineStyle.ModifierProps Interface

Modify the line style appearance without changing the line style definition. Applies to the style previously established by a GeometryAppearanceProps or current SubCategoryAppearance. Most of the modifiers affect the line style stroke pattern, with the orientation and scales being the exception.

see GeometryStreamEntryProps

Implemented by


Name Type Description
centerPhase undefined | boolean Optional flag to center stroke pattern and stretch ends, false if undefined  
dashScale undefined | number Optional scale to apply to scalable dashes, 1.0 if undefined  
distPhase undefined | number Optional shift by distance in meters, 0.0 if undefined  
endWidth undefined | number Optional end width in meters to apply to dashes, same as startWidth if undefined  
fractPhase undefined | number Optional shift by fraction, 0.0 if undefined  
gapScale undefined | number Optional scale to apply to scalable gaps, 1.0 if undefined  
normal undefined | XYZProps Optional up vector for style (applicable to 3d only), 0.0,0.0,1.0 if undefined  
physicalWidth undefined | boolean Optional flag that denotes startWidth and endWidth represent physical widths that should not be affected by scale, false if undefined  
rotation undefined | YawPitchRollProps Optional orientation for style (applicable to 3d only), 0.0,0.0,0.0 if undefined  
scale undefined | number Optional scale to apply to all length values, 1.0 if undefined  
segmentMode undefined | boolean Optional flag to enable or disable single segment mode  
startWidth undefined | number Optional start width in meters to apply to dashes, no width if undefined  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023