BatchOptions Interface

Options used when constructing a Batch - that is, a RenderGraphic with an associated FeatureTable describing individual Features within the graphic. Individual features can be resymbolized in a variety of ways including flashing and hiliting. For example, to prevent graphics produced by readElementGraphics from being hilited when their corresponding element is in the SelectionSet, pass { noHilite: true } to readElementGraphics.



Name Type Description
locateOnly undefined | boolean If true, the contents of the batch will only be drawn by Viewport.readPixels, not Viewport.renderFrame, causing them to be locatable but invisible.  
noEmphasis undefined | boolean If true, features within the batch will not be emphasized when the corresponding BatchOptions.Feature is emphasized using FeatureOverrides.  
noFlash undefined | boolean If true, features within the batch will not be flashed on mouseover.  
noHilite undefined | boolean If true, features within the batch will not be hilited when their corresponding element is in the SelectionSet.  
tileId undefined | string Identifies the Tile associated with the batch, chiefly for debugging purposes. Beta  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023