Pixel.Data Class

Describes a single pixel within a Pixel.Buffer.


Name Type Description
distanceFraction Readonly number The pixel's depth in CoordSystem.Npc coordinates (0 to 1), or -1 if depth was not written or not requested.  
elementId Accessor ReadOnly undefined | string The Id of the element that produced the pixel.  
feature Readonly undefined | Feature The feature that produced the pixel.  
geometryClass Accessor ReadOnly undefined | GeometryClass The class of geometry that produced the pixel.  
iModel Readonly undefined | IModelConnection The iModel from which the geometry producing the pixel originated.  
modelId Readonly undefined | string    
planarity Readonly Pixel.Planarity The planarity of the geometry that produced the pixel.  
subCategoryId Accessor ReadOnly undefined | string The Id of the SubCategory that produced the pixel.  
type Readonly Pixel.GeometryType The type of geometry that produced the pixel.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023