RealityMeshParams Namespace


Defined in

RealityMeshParams Interface


Geometry for a reality mesh to be submitted to the RenderSystem for conversion to a RenderGraphic. A reality mesh is a simple triangle mesh to which a RenderTexture image can be mapped. Sources of reality meshes include TerrainMeshProviders to which background map imagery is applied, and ContextRealityModels captured using photogrammetry.

see RealityMeshParamsBuilder to incrementally construct a RealityMeshParams.


Name Type Description
featureID undefined | number    
indices UintArray The integer indices of each triangle in the mesh.  
normals undefined | Uint16Array The optional normal vector for each vertex in the mesh, indexed by RealityMeshParams.indices, stored as OctEncodedNormals.  
positions QPoint3dBuffer The 3d position of each vertex in the mesh, indexed by RealityMeshParams.indices.  
texture undefined | RenderTexture    
uvs QPoint2dBuffer The 2d texture coordinates of each vertex in the mesh, indexed by RealityMeshParams.indices.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023