MapTileTree Class


A quad tree consisting of MapTiles representing the map imagery draped onto the surface of the Earth. A MapTileTree enables display of a globe or planar map with map imagery obtained from any number of sources, such as Bing, OpenStreetMap, and GIS servers. The specific imagery displayed is determined by a Viewport's MapImagerySettings and BackgroundMapSettings.

The map or globe may be smooth, or feature 3d geometry supplied by a TerrainProvider. The terrain displayed in a Viewport is determined by its TerrainSettings.


Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
countTiles(): number RealityTileTree Returns the number of Tiles currently in memory belonging to this tree, primarily for debugging.
dispose(): void RealityTileTree Dispose of this tree and any resources owned by it.
getEcefTransform(): Promise<undefined | Transform> RealityTileTree Return the transform from the tile tree's coordinate space to ECEF (Earth Centered Earth Fixed) coordinates.
selectTiles(args: TileDrawArgs): Tile[] RealityTileTree Selects tiles of appropriate resolution for some purpose like drawing to the screen, producing a shadow map, etc.


Name Type Description
globeMode Readonly GlobeMode Determines whether the map displays as a plane or an ellipsoid.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
contentRange Readonly undefined | Range3d RealityTileTree Optional tight bounding box around the entire contents of all of this tree's tiles.
expirationTime Readonly BeDuration RealityTileTree The length of time after which tiles belonging to this tree are considered elegible for disposal if they are no longer in use.
id Readonly string RealityTileTree Uniquely identifies this tree among all other tile trees associated with the iModel.
iModel Readonly IModelConnection RealityTileTree  
iModelTransform Readonly Transform RealityTileTree Transform from this tile tree's coordinate space to the iModel's coordinate space.
is2d Accessor ReadOnly boolean RealityTileTree True if this tile tree contains 2d graphics.
isDisposed Accessor ReadOnly boolean RealityTileTree True if RealityTileTree.dispose has been called on this tile tree.
lastSelectedTime Accessor ReadOnly BeTimePoint RealityTileTree The most recent time at which tiles RealityTileTree.selectTiles was called.
modelId Readonly string RealityTileTree A 64-bit identifier for this tile tree, unique within the context of its IModelConnection.
range Accessor ReadOnly Range3d RealityTileTree The volume of space occupied by this tile tree.

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023