onActiveClipRightClick Readonly

onActiveClipRightClick: BeEvent<(hit: HitDetail, ev: BeButtonEvent, provider: ViewClipDecorationProvider) => void> = ...

Called on a right click over the clip geometry or clip modify handle. ViewClipDecoration provides methods for the following possible menu actions: For ClipPlanes (undefined !== clipPlaneSet): Flip (doClipPlaneNegate), Clear (doClipPlaneClear), and Orient View (doClipPlaneOrientView) For ClipShapes (undefined === clipPlaneSet): Orient View (doClipPlaneOrientView) and input fields to set world zLow/zHigh (doClipShapeSetZExtents provided isClipShapeAlignedWithWorldUp returns true)

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023