ViewClipEventHandler Interface

An object that can react to a view's clip being changed by tools or modify handles.


Implemented by


Name Description
clearOnDeselect(): boolean Stop displaying clip geometry when clip is removed from the selection set.  
onClearClip(viewport: Viewport): void Called when the view clip is cleared from the view.  
onModifyClip(viewport: Viewport): void Called by tools after modifying the view clip.  
onNewClip(viewport: Viewport): void Called by tools that set or replace the existing view clip with a new clip.  
onNewClipPlane(viewport: Viewport): void Called by tools that add a single plane to the view clip.  
onRightClick(hit: HitDetail, ev: BeButtonEvent): boolean Called when user right clicks on clip geometry or clip modify handle.  
selectOnCreate(): boolean Add newly created clip geometry to selection set and show modify controls.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023