

Get or set the largest and smallest values allowed for the extents for this ViewState The default limits vary based on the type of view:

  • Spatial view extents cannot exceed the diameter of the earth.
  • Drawing view extents cannot exceed twice the longest axis of the drawing model's range.
  • Sheet view extents cannot exceed ten times the paper size of the sheet. Explicitly setting the extent limits overrides the default limits.

extentLimits: ExtentLimits

see ViewState.resetExtentLimits to restore the default limits.

Returns - ExtentLimits


Get or set the largest and smallest values allowed for the extents for this ViewState The default limits vary based on the type of view:

  • Spatial view extents cannot exceed the diameter of the earth.
  • Drawing view extents cannot exceed twice the longest axis of the drawing model's range.
  • Sheet view extents cannot exceed ten times the paper size of the sheet. Explicitly setting the extent limits overrides the default limits.

extentLimits(limits: ExtentLimits): void

see ViewState.resetExtentLimits to restore the default limits.

Parameter Type Description
limits ExtentLimits  

Returns - void

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023