extractBoundaryLoops Method

A simple way of packaging this ClipVector's ClipShape points into a multidimensional array, while also taking into account each ClipPrimitive's individual transforms.

ClipPrimitives OTHER THAN ClipShape are ignored.

Information out:

  • All of the loop points are stored in the multidimensional Point3d array given (will return unchanged upon failure)
  • If given a transform, will be set from the transformFromClip of the first ClipPrimitive
  • The ClipMask of the final ClipPrimitive is stored in the returned array at index 0
  • The last valid zLow found is stored in the returned array at index 1
  • The last valid zHigh found is stored in the returned array at index 2

extractBoundaryLoops(loopPoints: Point3d[][], transform?: Transform): number[]

Parameter Type Description
loopPoints Point3d[][]  
transform Transform  

Returns - number[]

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023