addScaledOuterProductInPlace Method

add scaled values from an outer product.

  • The scaled outer product is a "rank 1" matrix.
  • This is useful in constructing mirrors and directional scales.
    A+=s[UxUyUz][Vx Vy Vz][Axx Axy AxzAyx Ayy AyzAzx Azy Azz]+=s[UxVxUyVxUzVxUxVyUyVyUzVyUxVzUyVzUzVz]A += s \columnSubXYZ{U}\rowSubXYZ{V}
    \\ \matrixXY{A} += s \begin{bmatrix}
    U_x * V_x & U_y * V_x & U_z * V_x \\
    U_x * V_y & U_y * V_y & U_z * V_y \\
    U_x * V_z & U_y * V_z & U_z * V_z \end{bmatrix}

addScaledOuterProductInPlace(vectorU: Vector3d, vectorV: Vector3d, scale: number): void

Parameter Type Description
vectorU Vector3d  
vectorV Vector3d  
scale number scale factor to apply to the added values.

Returns - void

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023