createColumnsInAxisOrder MethodStatic

Create a matrix by distributing vectors to columns in one of 6 orders.

createColumnsInAxisOrder(axisOrder: AxisOrder, columnA: undefined | Vector3d, columnB: undefined | Vector3d, columnC: undefined | Vector3d, result?: Matrix3d): Matrix3d

Parameter Type Description
axisOrder AxisOrder identifies where the columns are placed.
columnA undefined | Vector3d vector to place in the column specified by first letter in the AxisOrder name.
columnB undefined | Vector3d vector to place in the column specified by second letter in the AxisOrder name.
columnC undefined | Vector3d vector to place in the column specified by third letter in the AxisOrder name.
result Matrix3d optional result matrix3d
* Example: If you pass AxisOrder.YZX, then result will be [columnC, columnA, columnB] because
first letter Y means columnA should go to the second column, second letter Z means columnB should
go to the third column, and third letter X means columnC should go to the first column.

Returns - Matrix3d

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023