createRigidFromColumns MethodStatic

Create a new orthogonal matrix (perpendicular columns, unit length, transpose is inverse).

  • vectorA1 = Normalized vectorA is placed in the column specified by first letter in the AxisOrder name.
  • Normalized vectorC1 = vectorA1 cross vectorB is placed in the column specified by third letter in the AxisOrder name.
  • Normalized vectorC1 cross vectorA is placed in the column specified by second letter in the AxisOrder name.
  • This function internally uses createShuffledColumns.

createRigidFromColumns(vectorA: Vector3d, vectorB: Vector3d, axisOrder: AxisOrder, result?: Matrix3d): undefined | Matrix3d

Parameter Type Description
vectorA Vector3d  
vectorB Vector3d  
axisOrder AxisOrder  
result Matrix3d  

Returns - undefined | Matrix3d

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023