createRigidViewAxesZTowardsEye MethodStatic

create a rigid coordinate frame column z parallel to (x,y,z) and column x in the xy plane.

  • column z points from origin to x,y,z
  • column x is perpendicular and in the xy plane
  • column y is perpendicular to both. It is the "up" vector on the view plane.
  • Multiplying a world vector times the transpose of this matrix transforms into the view xy
  • Multiplying the matrix times the an in-view vector transforms the vector to world.

createRigidViewAxesZTowardsEye(x: number, y: number, z: number, result?: Matrix3d): Matrix3d

Parameter Type Description
x number eye x coordinate
y number eye y coordinate
z number eye z coordinate
result Matrix3d  

Returns - Matrix3d

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023