multiplyTransposeXYZ Method

Multiply the transpose matrix times column using individual numeric inputs.

  • This is equivalent to multiplying with the vector as a row to the left of the plain matrix.
    treating the input as a column [xyz] compute [VxVyVz]=AT[xyz]or row vector [xyz] compute [Vx Vy Vz]=[xyz]A8888and return V as a Vector3d\begin{matrix}
    \text{treating the input as a column } \columnXYZ{x}{y}{z}\text{ compute  }&\columnSubXYZ{V} &= &A^T \columnXYZ{x}{y}{z} \\
    \text{or row vector } \rowXYZ{x}{y}{z} \text{ compute }&\rowSubXYZ{V} &= &\rowXYZ{x}{y}{z} A \\
    \phantom{8888}\text{and return V as a Vector3d} & & &

multiplyTransposeXYZ(x: number, y: number, z: number, result?: Vector3d): Vector3d

Parameter Type Description
x number  
y number  
z number  
result Vector3d  

Returns - Vector3d

the vector result

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023