createRectangleXY MethodStatic

Create the linestring for a rectangle parallel to the xy plane.

  • The z coordinate from point0 is used for all points.
  • ax and ay are signed.
  • The point sequence is:
    • Start at point0
    • move by (signed !) ax in the x direction.
    • move by (signed !) ay in the y direction.
    • move by (signed !) negative ax in the x direction.
    • move by (signed !) negative ay in the y direction.
    • (this returns to point0)

createRectangleXY(point0: Point3d, ax: number, ay: number, closed: boolean = true): LineString3d

Parameter Type Description
point0 Point3d  
ax number  
ay number  
closed boolean  

Returns - LineString3d

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023