asyncSweepLinestringToFacetsXYReturnChains MethodStatic

Find segments (within the linestring) which project to facets.

  • This is done as a sequence of "await" steps.
  • Each "await" step deals with approximately PolyfaceQuery.asyncWorkLimit pairings of (linestring edge) with (facet edge)
  • PolyfaceQuery.setAsyncWorkLimit () to change work blocks from default
  • Return chains.

asyncSweepLinestringToFacetsXYReturnChains(linestringPoints: GrowableXYZArray, polyface: Polyface): Promise<LineString3d[]>

Parameter Type Description
linestringPoints GrowableXYZArray  
polyface Polyface  

Returns - Promise<LineString3d[]>

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023