dihedralAngleSummary MethodStatic

Compute a number summarizing the dihedral angles in the mesh.

dihedralAngleSummary(source: Polyface, ignoreBoundaries: boolean = false): number

see PolyfaceQuery.isConvexByDihedralAngleCount for comments about ignoreBoundaries===true when there are multiple connected components.

Parameter Type Description
source Polyface mesh to examine
ignoreBoundaries boolean if true, ignore simple boundary edges, i.e. allow unclosed meshes.

Returns - number

a number summarizing the dihedral angles in the mesh.

  • Return 1 if all angles are positive or planar. The mesh is probably convex with outward normals.
  • Return -1 if all angles are negative or planar. The mesh is probably convex with inward normals.
  • Return 0 if
    • angles area mixed
    • any edge has other than 1 incident facet or more than 2 incident facets.
    • (but null edges are permitted -- These occur naturally at edges of quads at north or south pole)

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023