isConvexByDihedralAngleCount MethodStatic

Test for convex volume by dihedral angle tests on all edges.

  • This tests if all dihedral angles are positive.
  • In a closed solid, this is a strong test for overall convexity.
  • With ignoreBoundaries true, this may be a useful test when all the facets are in a single edge-connected component, such as a pyramid with no underside.
  • It is not a correct test if there are multiple, disjoint components.
    • Take the above-mentioned pyramid with no underside.
    • Within the same mesh, have a second pyramid placed to the side, still facing upward.
    • The angles will pass the dihedral convexity test, but the composite thing surely is not convex.

isConvexByDihedralAngleCount(source: Polyface, ignoreBoundaries: boolean = false): boolean

Parameter Type Description
source Polyface mesh to examine
ignoreBoundaries boolean if true, ignore simple boundary edges, i.e. allow unclosed meshes.

Returns - boolean

true if the mesh is closed and has all dihedral angles (angle across edge) positive

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023